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We've got the quality of goods to supply the Southern C,alifornia lumber hade, and above all, we have theability to give unequalled rervice in the matter of delivery. We make nomenclature and also the organization of Iumber inspdetion service, grade marking and size standardization. lr-ll
Also on July 20 a committee of the same personnel as that on simpliffcation of grad.es and. names, representing the manufacturing associations, will ca,nvass the organization of the inspeetion service with the assistance of the technical committee and. manufacturing association inspection ofricials and chief inspectors.
The Lumber Division of the Bureau of tr'oreign and Domestic Commerce of the Department of Conmerce, has been invited to nake a report to the meeting of representatives of associations regarding the use, cost and practicability of grade-marking and lun'ber marking as practised both in the United States and abroad.
At Portland, July 27, taking advantage of the quarterly meeting of the directors of the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association, there will be another conference which will discuss simplification of grades and names, grade marking, standardization of sizes and. national inspeetion.
It is expected that the general conference in Chicago on htly 2l-22 will create an investigating committee of producers, distributors and eonsumers of lumber, who will consider the proceedings of the Washington, Chicago and Portland conferences and make a tour of the country for the purpose of assembling further information and getting the viewpoint of d.ifrerent regions and interests regarding the subjects in hand.
It is suggested that the proposed committee will holcl local conferences in Minneapolis, Spokane, Seattle, San Francisco, I-ios Angeles, Salt Lake City, Denver, Des Moines, Omaha, Kansas City, Memphis, New Orleans, Birmingham, Jacksonville, Savannah, Norfolk, Cincinnati, Indianapolis, Detroit, Pittsburgh, Buffalo, New York City, Boston and Philadelphia.
We carry in stock a big supply of frr and white pine doorg windowg and sash. Alro glasa Also fir and redwood columns, fir and redwood garage doors.
The Department of Commerce will especially engage a lumber expert to study the subject of standardization of lumber and possibly to accompany the investigating committee. The final report of this committee will, it is assumed, be accepted by all the lumber producing, distributing and consuming interests as settling the questions of simplification, standardization, grade marking and national inspection. The object of the whole comprehensive undertaking is the utmost simplification and modernization of the lumber business to the end that all transactions may be as sirnple as possible, quality assured and dimensions standardized..
One of the most successful Hoo-Hoo meetings ever held in the Northwest was staged in Portland on Thursday, June 29. The occasion was a notable one particularly because three members of the supreme nine were present-Major Everett G. Griggs of Tacoma, Snark of the Universe; Parson Peter Simpkin of San Franeisco, supreme chaplain, and Charles D. L:eMaster of Fresno, supreme arcanoper. The concat was ananged under direction of Joe Olsen, the hustling viee gerent of the Portland. district. A big "litter" of kittens and a lot of reinstatements were welcomed. to HooHoo land"
Thirty-five years' time and many millions of dollars have been devoted to the development of Pioneer Paper Company's Super Quality products.
For almost two generations this progression has gone on. This building into the output of its factories the attributes of true character, has made Pioneer Paper Company products synonomous with super-quality.
This heritage of inwrought worth is your:s. The ever growing patronage of many friends has been our guarantee of satisfaction as it has been our justifiable pride of production.