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Fire Insurance
We Offer: t. Sound INDEMNITY; a protection against Ioss which is as good as can be secured from any company an5rwhere.
A policy secured by cash resources equal to five times the average probable losses on all policies in force.
Allied withthe Northwestern Mutual Fire Association are twenty-five strong Mutual companies with cash resources of more than TWENTY-FOUR MILLION DOLLARS.
An Insurance SERVICE, not infallible, but conscientious.
A SAVING to our Policyholders, which, at the present rate at which we are returning dividends will amount to ONE MILLION DOLLARS for the yeat 1922. This means a saving in insurance cost on your property of from 25% to 40% of the premium.
The Northwestern Mutual Fire Association and allied companies haue returned to their Policgholders ouer FORTY-FM MILLION DOLLARS in diuidends and sauings.
No. Don't get the distribution idea wrong in your head. THAT isn't the way the thing works. Southern Pine will tlo just exactly what Northerg 'White Pine has d.one. It will become a selective wood, for specific purposes. As a matter of fact, Northern White Pine came to be used less and. less in its local territory as its prod.uction reduced. In Michi- ' gan and Wisconsin the local hemlock, Southern Pine, with some western lumber, have entirely replaced. White Pine for general construction purposes.
Five years from now the better grad.es of Southern Pine will have found their channels. Western woods will enter all the competitive territories just as Red Cedar Shingles have done. Low grade Southern Pine will be sold locally, with, of course, a certain amount of the better grades. But the competitive markets wilt demand and. secure certain items for certain purposes, and will pay the price for them.
Western lumber for general builtling purposes' will enter all the markets of the country, just as western shingles do today; just as lumber from Washington and. Oregon enters California today, while California ships its white pine and redwood. to the whole world.
A lumber firm that makes a business of builcling.homes com,plete and then offering them for sale, reports a plan for securing a live list of home building prospects that might well be used by any home building merchant or- real estate thinker.
When they complete an attractive home, they advertise liberally the date on which the home wiII be open for inspection by the publie. On that date there is a good gladhand man or two on the job in the home, and the visitors are asked to register if they are interested. in any way in a home. Thus this flm secures by direct effort from the people themselves a fine list of people who are interested in homes, and from such i prospect list there are ffne chances for development.
This is a modern way of doing business that appeals to the publie, and works fine for the home builder.
Furnished Homes
Make your Insurance Premium Pay Dividendr.
Much interest always centers around the home that is built, finished, and then completely furnished and ofrered for sale. Advertising a public opening and inspection of such a house always attracts a large number of the better class of people. It afrords a ffne way of interesting people in a home, furnishing them the place ready to move into, but it is good advertising for the furniture and rug and drapery people, as it gives the visitors to the house new ideas along those lines.
And since all these things work together to sell people on more and better homes, it all helps in the right d.irection.