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lncmoreted under ttc lewr of Californil
J. C. Dimc, Prcr. rnd Trce;; Phll B. Hart' Vie-Prur.i J. E. Mertin' Sccy. hbltrhod th. l3t and l5th ol cach nonth rt 30r-e cENTRAL BUTLDTNG Los ANGELES, cAL. TELEPHoNE vAndilc GG -'--' - gntd.d u Sciond-cleri Ertter Scrtt Db& A, Vi2, rt tb. Po.tof6c. lt Lor Ar3clcr, Cditordr, udd Act of Mrych t' lAli
Subrcription Pricc, f2.lX) pcr Ycer Singlc Copicr, 25 ccatr cech.
How Lumber Looks
Lumber lookr better ttan it did two weekr ago dl over the ctate of California.
Our report from San Francirco on the Douglar F-ir srtua' tion rayri "The volurne of cargo businegs is c4. The rail dernand b fair. Pricet are getting a little better and mills are quoting ebout a dollar hrgher pricee. There has been rome curtailment in the logging oamp!' and many of the camps will carry on thir curtailment ttis eearon on aGcount of fire hazard. Retail stockt of Fir in the Sacrarnento and San Joaquin Valleys are reported low."
Concerning Redwood, our San Francirco report sayl: "The dernand continues fair end not much change during tte past two weekr. For the firut 6 monttr in 1925 ttre demand in Northern California, Eartern market!' and foreign marketr, har rhown an increere over the same period of 1924. The dernand for the first rix rnonttr of 1925 in Southern California territory, har been below tte level of t924."
Concening White and Swar Pine thir rame report rayl: "Merket har rhown no change in the past two weekr. De' mand continuee fair."
Busines ir a whole lot better in the wholesale lumber rmrket todey than it wa^r two weekr ago. Whil€ t[ere har bcar no definite booat in lumber pricec, tte bade ir today paylns tle price of two weekr ago willing:lyr while two weekr ago they were fighting iL The volume of burincee ir tm' doubtedty increaring in Southern Cdifomia. This ir evi' dcnced by the fact that while Jtrne aaw m(xe lumber landed at the Southenr California dockt than during any previous rnontft of thir year, yet the dockr are much lower in lumber rtocke ttran trtrey were a montt ago, and the tone of the wholeaale rnarket ha.r unquertionably improved.
Buyerr afe not rruhing in to place their ordere promircuously, mind you. There asema to be no speculrtive boyittg in local territory. EverSrone ir buying for hir immediate needr, and watching tte market clorely.
But from the north come! reportr of a rtrong demand, a betts price, and improrred prorpects for the re* of tte turnmef.
Advcttiring Rrtcr on Applicrtiol
From Souttett Pine territory comes the same newr. Production of Souttenr Pine ir ver5r low, and ceemt likely to remfi that way t[rough the rurnmer, md the fact that orderr are greater in volume than production, alwaye tenrdr to etrengthen buying.
The general lumber situation is far better than it wa! a month ago. The Lumber Merchant belierree that thirty dayr from today it will be much better than it ir today. The general market will strengthen between now and September first, rurleas all signr fait, and the California merket must ctrengthen with it. Perhaps nothing dynamic, but a great improvement over the rpring and early rummer. It lookr like a cinch from the road.
Southern California Figures
Water shipmentr of lumber to the docks of Southern California for tlre firrt rix months of tte year ending Jrme 30th, 1925, totdled 755,84O,mO feeg which ir rlightly under the figurec of 786,66O(XX) feet, last yea/s totdr for thir rame period.
There wra a heary ehrinkage of Redwood volume thir year, tte totalr being 59'675r(XX) feet for the furt rix monthr of 1925, ar compard with 1(X'235'O0O for tte firrt rix monthe ofr 1924.
Douglar Fir, however, increa"red in volume thir year over lart, the Fir totab for the first rix rnonthr of 1924 being 682,425,(XX) fe€t, and rtie year 696165,fi)O feet.
Jrme wer the biggert month ro far thie year in watcf receiptr, with a total of 146r125rqx) fecil Here are ttc monthly figrnec for the year so far: Januety' 121r48o'0fi); February, 97,38O,(X)O; March, 129'235'q)O; April' 131'955,(X)O; May, 129,675,fl)0; June, 146125,(XD; and thc firrt eight dayr of July totalled 26'65O'qX) feet' e good start on anotter big month.
In conridering market conditionr at preeent tte fact thbt June was the biggect montt of the year in lumber receiptq yet during that time that amount of lumber wer rernoved from the dockr in addition to a Large previous accumulation, rhowc that the demand har been more crediteble ttan many people have given it credit for being.