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What Dealers Say of "Redwood Home Plans"
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The response rvhich the new book, "Redwood Home Plans by California Architects," is meeting among' retail lumber dealers everyrvhere is most gratifying.
Here is one typical letter, recently received: "Also enclosed, firrd our cheque for supply of your illustrated booklet, "Redwood Horne Plans." We are glad to see the Redrvood Association take this step in reference to getting out a catalog of that type."
Another dealer writes:
"We are in receipt of your letter referring to "Redwood Home Plans" booklet. We u'ould be pleased if you would print our name on 1,000 of these booklets and we rvill try to distribute them among the Contractors and nen' hor.ne Builders."
The book contains 22 designs for all-rvood hornes-all are by certified California Architects and all are thns architecturally meritorious. Home builders are being stimulated to build all-wood homes. IJnless you are using this book, you are losing business that you ought to have. Every design in the book r.nay be built from the complete plans and specifications which lve rvill furnish promptly at a nominal cost.