1 minute read
Barr's Modern Plant at Santa Ana
Attractiveness t
This is the outstandins characteristic of the splendid retail lumber "plant" of The Barr Lumber Company, at Santa Ana, California.
Of course it is practical, efficient, etc., as well, but the principal difference between this interesting institution and most retail lumber institutions-even most of those of the better sort-is the successful effort that has been made here to catch the eye, please the sight, and interest the passer-by by reason of the general sightliness of the place.
Like a good-looking'woman, and in the parlance of the street, the Santa Ana plant of The Barr Lumber Company is "easy to look at."
It has been thoroughly described in these columns before, so this is in no sense a detailed write-up; merely a presentation of this good-looking picture of the plant-the first that has been taken since its entire completion-with a few words of commendation.
When Mr. Barr took over this yard, the building on the left was the office. Now it is strictly a display building, every room being interesting and beautifully equipped to show the home shopper new ideas in built-in features for all parts of the home, living room, dining room, bathroom, and kitchen. It is here that they show you how your building material will look when it is made into building things.
The central office is new, two years old, and a beautiful thing, the interior being even better looking than the exterior, and here, also, in wood finishing of various sorts, coloring, etc., they show their trade how building material may be attractively used.
The sheds, the yard, the fences, the gates, are all in keeping with the offices, architecturally excellent, and dohe in fine paint.
One of the most attractive retail lumber plants in America is this Santa Ana plant.