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Three Simple and Easy Ways to Increase Sales on Upson Board
(From "The Lfpsotrizer," Upson Company's Magazine.)
Make friends of the school children in your torvn. They are your future customers. It won't be long before they become the home owners and businessmen of your community. More than that-if the kids are friendly rvith you, the "grown-up" folks will be too.
Why not give Upson carpenter aprons to the boys in the manual training classes ? Or you might try Upson pencils, and sticks for kites make a big hit with the younger boys.
One wide-awake Upson Selling Associate made up some panels showing the different kinds of wood and their appearance-both finished and unfinished. He put his name on these and distributed them among the various schools for use in the manual fraining classes.
Another Upsonite donated prizes among the various schools for the best pieces of rvork made out of lumber supplied by him.
This not only creates good rvill, but opens up a new field for the sale of lumber.
Run some short advertisements in the classified columns. These could take the follorving formHOME OWNERS-Look up at your ceilings ! Is the plaster cracked or loose ? This is not only unsightly but actually dangerous. Make them new again with Upson
Board. Phone us at. for an estimate Zip Lumber Company.
Here is another WALLBOARD-Thinking of repairing those cracked, unsightly, dangerous plaster walls and ceilings ? Use Upson Board-nearly twice as strong as ordinary wallboards -fire-resistingwaterproofedan excellent insulator. Phone us at. .. ..for an estimate.
Pepper Lumber-Creators of Homes.
Such ads as these have proved to be very profitable and effective business getters for lumber dealers who follow up the replies.
Take an hour each day to make a personal survey of all buildings in your community which have remodeling possibilities. Obtain the names and addresses of the owners.
If investigation proves that the owner is financially able to consider remodeling, you can take a snapshot of the building. Then you can "tie in" one of your good contractors artd have him make up preliminary remodeling sketches.
After preparing rough cost estimates, you can go to your prospect with an intelligent sales canvass.
If only a small percentage of the homes were remodeled that need it, it would mean big business for you.
Why not push remodeling and. repair jobs in your section, if new building is quiet? Hundreds of dealers are now going after this type of work-are planting seeds that will mean a big harvest a year or two from now, when abnormal nerv building programs slacken off.
Exclusive Sales Agents for Northern California
Portland, Oregon
Metropolitan, Califorth
Seattle, Warhington
Attractive Retail Lumber Exhibit At Cloverdale Citrus Fair
One of the very interesting and attractive exhibits that caused much favorable comment at the recent Citrus Fair at Cloverdale, California, was that of the A. F. Stevens Lumber Compan1., rvhich operates yards at Healdsburg and Cloverdale. The exhibit is shorvn herervith photo-