2 minute read
graphically. Note the fact that they stress free plans rvith the building material, rvhich is an excellent 'n'ay to advertise. "The plan" is the thing that sells most homes, even more than just the desire for a home.
X{r. A. F. Stevens is the progressive ancl active head of his orvn concern, and there is associated l'ith hirn in the business his tvi'o ,qons Rttss and Stevens.
Thomas Work, Jr.. son of Thomas Work of the Thomas Work Lumber Co., I\'Ionterey, was the r'vinner of the high jump at the National Intercollegiate Meet recently held at ,Chicago, in which all the crack college athletes of the country competed. He represented Stanford at the meet aud carried off first honors irr the high jump t'ith a jurnp of 6 ft. 5 in.
E. T. Robie. Aut-.urr.r Lutnber Co,, Anburn, was among the Californian lumbertnen rvho attended the Rotary Convention held at Cievelancl. Nfr. Robie tas recently elected President of the Auburn Rotary Club. NIrs. Robie accompanied him on the trip.
Stocks on Hand at LOS ANGELES
50,000 ft. lx4 to 12 Clcar A. D.
53,lxt0 a1 r5,m0 s/4
30,fit0 6/1
40,000 8/4
Shop " a),000 Mldg. Stock " fl),lXl0 l" Com. "
50,000 lYt" " u
25,000 tfl " "
40,fn0 2,, ') "
75,000 ft. lx4 to lxl6 Clear A. D.
5,000 tt4,,
5,000 lrl"
3,000 2,,
20,000 4/4
10,000 E/4,'
Shop Com.
Dick Hammatt Personally Attended Santa Barbara Quake
'Wise men have sagely remarked that the successes of men don't "just happen." They are the result of deliberate and intelligent effort, vision, courage, sticktoitiveness, ambition, etc.
The success of the California Redwood Manufacturers' Association is due as much to the personnel of the organization as to the magnificent qualities of the wood they produce. This was never better exemplified than during the recent earthquake at Santa Barbara.
Dick Hammatt, the genial yet studious Secretary of the Redwood Association, is one of these fellows who believes in personal and close range investigation of interesting subjects. Hearsay doesn't mean much in Dick's young life. He doesn't like to take the other fellow's word for things. He likes to see for himself.
So, when Santa Barbara pulled ofi her very dramatic as well as tragic shiver recenfly, the first official lumber investigator on the ground was Dick Hammatt himself. He rcalized,, of course, that such a quake would furnish a splendid practical test of the building qualifications of Redrvood -as well as of competitive materials.
He knew that "Redwood Resists Rot,,, but what he wanted to find out was, does Redwood Resist Earthquakes. Dick is one of those fellows who is always prompt, always punctual. There was ho use gettins there ahead of time, and worrying around waiting for the thing to happen. To get there just exactly on time was his scheme.
So he rolled into Santa Barbara on "The Padre" just as the big rumble started. He had accomplished his purpose. He was the first lumber investigator on the job. He was in on the ground floor. Redwood first, was his slogan.
Being an honest man, he admits that there were moments in the early part of the affair when he was inclined to regret his venture, the flesh being weak, even though the spirit IS strong.
But there he was, right on the ground, an eye, ear and nerve witness of the big shake-up, and in splendid position 'to testify to the fact that wood stood the earthquake strain, and to add to the various slogans of his organization"Redrvood Resists Rocking."
He claims he had some old and formerly mighty good maxims knocked clean out of his vocabulary, however, such as "Solid as the Earth," "Terra Firma," "Hard as Rock," etc. However, they didn't use these in Redwood advertising anyway, so there was no immediate business loss.
We hear many claims made since the quake, of who was first to do this, and first to do that. Let it be blazened big in the lumber records, and without fear of successful contradiction, that Dick Hammatt was the first lumber investigator at Santa Barbara. He timed it to a minute.