4 minute read
The Perfect House Insutation
A "IOOVy Sanitary" Product
Balsam Wool is made from pure WOOD fibres cemented together and packed between two layers of tough asphalt-coated Kraft paper. In the process of manufacture it is rendered fire resistant and distasteful to rats, mice and vermincontains no animal matterwill not absorb water and has no odor under any conditions.
Dirtributed by
Member Builders' Erchange of Los Angeles
Main Oftce and Service Dept. 48fi) \Yeet Pico Blvd. - Phoue EMpire 9181
Lo An3olcr
Winfield Scott, promotion agent of the Western Pacific Railroad, was the speaker at the Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9 luncheon, held at the Palace Hotel on June 25. His subject was "Spending a Vacation." Mr. Scott's talk was beautifully illustrated with slide pictures, showing scenes along the Feather River Canyon, High Sierras and Redwood Region of Humboldt County.
Fred Holmes, Holmes-Eureka Lumber Co., was the chairman of the day. Misses White and Inglis entertained the club with an excellent musical entertainment.
President Rod Hendrickson presided over the business session of the meeting. J. E. Martin, chairman of the Dance Committee, made a report on the Dinner Dance to be held at the Palace Hotel on June 27. Fred Roth, chairman of the Picnic Committee, made an announcement regarding the picnic that will be held on August 16 at Kendall Dell.
Harry Gaetzen will act as chairman of the day at the first meeting in July, while Fred Burgers will have charge of the meeting to be held on July 23.
The annual Dinner Dance of Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9 was held at the Palace Hotel, San Francisco, on Saturday evening, June 27. During the dinner hour, there lvas an excellent entertainment given by professional entertainers. J. Walter Kelly, Vicegerent Snark of the Bay District, made a short talk and spoke on the Hoo-Hoo activities in the Bay District during the past year. Rod Hendrickson, President of Hoo-Hoo Club No. 9, also made a few remarks, and together with the assistance of Pete McNevin and Kenneth Smith, they pulled off a comedy skit that was greatly enjoyed. Over 100 attended that party and dancing continued until midnight. The Dance Committee included: J. E. Martin, Chairman; Theodore Lerch; J. C. McCabe, Homer Maris, Harry Carter, C. C. Stibich, Hugh W. Hogan, Milton Hendrickson, Nils Quist, Al Nolan, G. 'W. Fraser, and Reg. Smith.
San Diego Lumbermen Formed Entire Battery On July Fourth
Edgar B. Culnan of Chas. R. McCormi;k & Company sends us the following very fine facts concerning the lumbermen of San Diego:
"It may be of sufficient interest to be worth publishing in your excellent publication to advise the lumber world that San Diego Lumbermen are strictly 100 per centers in matters of patriotism as well as in things pertaining to the merchandising of lumber.
On July 4th, National Defense Day, the writer being Captain of Battery F, 347th Field Artillery, it was necessary to recruit the outfit on paper to full strength, 136 men. Naturally we looked to our friends down there for assistance and they all responded very heartily. In consequence we had a Lumbermen's Battery. Quite a unique thing, at that, a whole fighting outfit of artillery made up of fighting lumbermen, for if a lumberman can't fight, then there is no such thing as a fighter."
For the past year Chas. R. I\{cCormick & Company of San Francisco, have had an arrangement whereby the Boykin Lumber Company, of Houston, Texas, handle their Fir timber and lumber sales in Texas territory.
The Boykin Lumber Cornpany, one of the best and strongest wholesale concerlts in the South rvho still produce and sell large quantities of long leaf Sorrthern Pine, announce that they are going to intensify on their Fir sales from now on, and for that purpose har.e appointed as their special Fir Department l\Ianager 1\[r. Chas B. Porter, of Houston. Mr. Porter has been rvholesaling Fir timbers in Texas and Oklahoma for the past ttvo years, previous to rvhich time he tvas one of the best knorvn railroad purchasing agents in the Southrvest for many years. During the lvar he rvas Purchasing Agent for tlventy-trvo railroads in Texas.
Mr. Porter will devote his energies to selling both the untreated and the creosoted products of Chas. R. McCormick & Company from norv on in Southr.vestern territory.
J. E. Higgins, Jr., manager of the Higgins Lumber Co., hardrvood dealers of San F'rancisco, announces that his company recently purchased the entire hardr,vood stocks of the Edrv. F. Niehaus Lumber Co. of San Francisco, r.ho \\'ere one of the pioneer hardwocld dealers in the Bay District. The purchase included about one half million feet of Hardr'vood Lumlter. The Edrv. F. Niehaus Lumber Co. retired from business on Tune 30.

Allan Turner Spends A Few Days In San Francisco
Allan Turner of Portland. formerlv of San Francisco. was a recent San Francisco visitor rrrher" he spent a ferv days calling on his many lumbeimen friends. Allan is norv in the Portland office of the Gerlinger Lumlter Co. lvhere he is acting as Sales Manager. While in San Francisco, he rvas a caller at the offices of the I. XI. Huddart Lumber Co., rvho are the Northern Califoinia representatives of the Gerlinger Lurnber Co.
Hendrickson Lumber Company
Telephonec ll2 Market Strca
Sutter 387-398 San Francicco
Cergo and Car Shippers. Fir and Redwood
Your Inquiriee Solicitcd
"THIs is the highest quality of California Pine. It's a combination of No. L Clear andNo. 2 Clear
7\o defeils "No.l Clearispracticallyfreefrom u n n j. i i tt s. defects on the face side, in widths up r - to 13 inches. 'S7'ider widths will allow some small defects, and the wider the piece the larger andmore numerous the defects permitted. No defefls " No. 2 Clear is also practically nrdei tO ins. free from defects on the face side in widths under 10 inches. A piece 10 inches wide mav have one or rwo small defectt. At widths increase, larget defects are permitted, but in no case shouldapiece containaknot larger than one-and-one-half inches in diameter. A split in the end, not longer than the width of the piece, is allowable in this grade--,.
"As for size, this is the most attractive lumber you evef had in your yard.