3 minute read
The "Stick-Em-ff-You-Can" Method of Selling Building Materials
The lumberman who sells on a sliding scale of prices ranging from what his list shows down to what he can get, may think he is doing a legitimate business, but if he does he hasn't looked himself over thoroughly.
For he is simply skinning his friends when they are willing to pay the list price, and making a monkey of his own business.
Suppose you were a hat salesman,'going out on the road for a new hat concern.
You had your samples all packed and were ready for the trip.
In your pocket was a printed price list showing the price on each style in your trunks
You had been selling hats for years and had some good friends in the retail hat business that you were anxious to call on in order that you might show them your new line.
You went in to bid the Boss good-by, and to have him wish you "good luck."
He asked you to sit down for a moment and then after he had glanced cautiously around the room to make sure no one was listening, he handed you this mouthful:
"Ffere are some final instructions for you on prices."
"You have a price list in your pocket. It is supposed to be our price, and it IS our price WHENEVER WE CAN GET IT. When you go into a store be sure and try to get this price list. Work hard at it. Threaten to walk out if you can't get it, BUT DON'T GO. If you see that you can't get the business, and that the price is the trouble YOU CAN CUT YOUR PRINTED PRICE LIST ONE DOLLAR PER DOZEN. If the buyer is a very large one, you can give him another 50 cents off. Don't go lower than that, except where a buyer is purchasing from competitors in large quantities. In that case, you might make them a price of TWO DOLLARS OFF."
When you get this dope, you have been accorded the great and glorious privilege of becoming a PRICE CUTTER.
You have been deputized to SKIN YOUR FRIENDS if possible, but to give them a square deal if you absolutely cannot get out of it.
If a man believes in you enough to accept your word about prices, you are to soak him good and proper.
Naturally the man who believes in you is going to believe that you are quoting him your best price on the goods, when you quote him your first price.
And when you have a lower price, or trvo lower prices up your sleeve to use for pressure, but charge him your first price, you are engaged in the ancient art of STEALING.
You are likervise guilty of INGRATITUDE- the basest of human sins. Because you have mistreated one who trusted you.
The man who is trying to sell merchandise for several different prices, has no right in any legitimate business. A PRICE IS EITHER RIGHT OR WRONG.
A too high price is as bad as a too lorv price. There is only one RIGHT PRICE.
That is the price your goods are rvorth, and which you charge ALL customers.
Anyone who has brains enough to run a business ought to have enough to decide on what is the RIGHT PRICE for goods, and the honesty and stamina to sell at that price. The same-price-to-all-policy is the only fair policy. And the man who uses it doesn't have to dodge the eye of any customer when he meets him.
Here is a new item for new business. With PAUL BUNYAN'S California
Pine Veneers you can make two jobs groy where none existed before. Here is an excellent opportunity for exploitation.
Let us show you some figures on PANELLED WALLS and CEILINGS. You can supply beautiful interiors at comparatively lot" co"l. Prospective builders, architects and contractors will be interested. HOMES' STORES; PUBLIC BUILDINGS, NEW WORK or REMODELLING JOBS. You have an edge on this business wh.tt yo,t can supply PAUL BUNYAN'S California Pine Veneers.

'We carry a well assorted stock in Los Angeles, and special requirem_ents can be quickly filled from the factory at Westwood. Miied cirs with other lumber products offer special advantages. Look into this, it will pay you.
A surface that will not check. A smooth, soft texture that requires little sanding for a smooth finish. Laminated with the best quality waterproof glue. The advantages'that make California Pines degirable are also preeent in this ply-wood.
One side or two side stock, any size up to 60x120 inches (one pieces face).
For DOOR PANELS, INTERIOR FINISH' TRUNKS, DRAWER BOTTOMS, BOXES, FRUIT CASES and ODORLESS CONTAINERS' We have a large asgortment of standard stocks ready for delivery.
"Made to order" items can be quickly made and delivered with our large factory capacitY.
Shall We Send Yotr SarnPles ?
"Producers of White Pine for Ovet Half a Centuty"