1 minute read
Kellogg Lumber Co., Fondale, La.
Your customer likes to deal rvith a man rvho knorvs; you do yourself ; and your customer is simply you-acrossthe-counter.
That knowledge establishes confidence; it determines trust; it incites enthusiasm ; it compels purchases.
The knowledge of horv yottr goods are rnade will gua-rd you against unwise purchases; you rvill knorv rvhether the quality and appearance of rvhat you get is up to the standard of rvhat you rvant.
And your iustomer-rvhile he may not be aggressively inquisitir;e-is yet most eagerly receptive for this very knowledge-and with very good reason-for he buys to keep, n'hile you merely buy to sell again.
The- knowledge of yout gools covers a very rvide field and the further you delve into it the more fascinating it apPears.
The appetite grou's u'itl-r eating; you will discover untrodden thicketslhrough rvhich you may blaze a new path.
You u'ill in time develop a predilection for some particular line-or article-andlvhen you feel that desire to specialize, thank the Lord, and get busy.
It may be wood in general; it may be pine or fir or cypress or shingles or hardrvoods or concrete or a-ny- one or-more of the things you handle or the things made from those things.
Whatever it may be that eventually enlists your interest. specialize on it-make it your hobby.
- Do not, of course, neglect the rest entirely, but remember alrvays that the day of the specialist is with us and that the specialist is the man who makes the big success.,.
- Become an authority on something in your line. It might, for example, be the item of hardrvoods that excites your interest above all other lines that you carry..
Very good, Eddie, make "hardwoods" your specialty.
Read everything you can about hardwoods.
Get all the hardwood literature you can secure.
Your local library, for instance, has a rvealth of information-books, pamphlets, encyclopedias-and your librarian will gladly aid you to get a full list of every reference to hardrvoods.
The various manufacturers and associations of hardwood men have prepared interesting and valuable literature which thel' rvill place at your disposal on request.
To illusirate the wonderfully interesting field of study the