3 minute read
Smith, A. W., Lumbcr Co.
32? Bertlctt Bldg. ... ..MAin 3176
Suddcn & Chrirtcnron
9fi1 Bartlctt Bldg. ..MAin 5{90
Tecome Planing Mill
915 E. 62nd-St. ......AXridsc l37I
Twohy Lumbcr Co.
221 KcrcLhoF Bldg. ..BRoadway 08lll
Union Lumbcr Co.
Luc Mortgagc Bldg. ...TRinity 22E2
\f,/arhington Lumber & Millwork Co.
{SlX Everett Placc ...DElawarc 5639
Wendling-Nathan Co.
7lt6 Standard Oil Bldg. ..VAndike 8liil2
W. W, Wilkinron l2l4 Ineurance Exchange Bldg , TUcker l'li|l
Williemr & Coopcr fl7 Trurt & Savinge Bldg... ....TUckor 59lt l70l Santa Fc Avc. ...AXridgc 9Gtl lt{? Brown, Rollinr A.
Wood, E. K, Lumbcr Co.
Americrn Hardwood Co. fgflt E. lsth St.
Carlor Ave.
Cadwalladcr Gibgon Co.; Inc.
E. 59th St. ..
Cooper, W. E, Lurnbcr Co.
E. lsth St. ........
Grippcr, Jeromc C. 756 So. Spring St. ;
A Handy Directory For
J, & Son
38th and Alamcda Str. . ..AXridgc 92ll
Wcetern Hardwood Lumber Co.
2014 E. lsth St. ..HulDbolt dlil
Weis, George F., & Co.
Produce Bldg. . BRoadway 2138
Wilron, Wm. M., Lumber Co.
2057 E. lsth St. ...TRinity 62:10
Woodhead Lumber Company
5720 So. Main St. ......... .....AXridge 578 SASH AND DOORS
American Door Co.
4322 Moncta Ave. ....HUmbolt lXll?
Bemir & Cowan
5059 So. Hoovcr .....UNiverrity 2l5l
Glaeby & Co.
2tm E.25tb St. .HUmbolt llE57
Hammond Lumber Co. 2010 So. .A,lameda St. .......HUmbolt l59l
Hatten, T. B., Co.
16{10 E. Warhington
Kochl, Jno. W, & Son sS2 So. Andcrron ...ANgclur 16?l
Koll, H. W. & Co.
432 Colyton .:.. ......MEtro. 0365
Lillard,, Mark W.
O{93StanfordAve... ...THornwallE24l
Pecific Coert Com'c'l Co.
,1516 So. Main .AXridgc t5l0
Pacific Door & Serh Co.
3216 So. Main . ........HUnbolt ?071
Wcrtern Sarh & Door Co.
160l E. 25th St. HUnbolt 2Eli2
Whcclcr-Orgood Co.
1617 E- l6th St. ... .sbiiEiNs.. ........HUubolt 2806
Hipolito Cornpany, 2lrt and Alameda Sta. .Humbolt 3605
The Busy Lumberman
(iontinued from Page 36) following may be given as a few points to cover: l. Kinds of hardwoods.
2. Geography and growth; size; age.
3. C6lor, density, grain.
4. Statistics. Amount in stump. Countries using. Costs.
5. Particular advantages of each species for particular uses; furniture, parquetry, etc.
6. Flooring; dance floors; convention floors; factory floors; interior decoration.
7. Interesting data on methods of manufacture; dimension; veneers; panels; mosaic.
8. Scrap book of famous floors I famous trees, pictures, etc.

The above is merely a quick glance at some of the items that could occupy your attention in making a serious study of your goods. Each of the above can and will be greatly extended when you once get into the delightful occupation of knowing your goods and their uses.
For instance, it would make a distinct and most favorable impression on a prospective customer, to paint for her a word picture of the source of the ornamental paneling she likes.
Tell her about the natives of Honduras tracking down the trees, isolated in the dense forests. Describe the logging, hauling to the river, floating down to the ship; then the loading and the sailing.
Then carry her through the mill and factory and show her how those rough, ugly logs are changed into beautiful satin-like panels she so much admires.
Add to this story a picture, for instance, of the trees in the forest falling under the blows of the natives; the photo of the ship leaving the foreign port with its cargo of logs; then show her the actual sample of the panel or a small, finished sample showing the color, the griin, the stain, the varnish, etc., and finish with a beautiful picture showing the panel in her home.
Do this with the interest and the enthusiasm you really feel in this wonderful story of your goods, and-she'll nol only crav€that panel but she will see the whole story re-enacted before her eyes-she will tell it to her friends and neighbors-and those neighbors will be half sold on your goods.
And be assured that you are missing more than half the pleasure of being in this wonderful business of yours until you- take up this study of your goods seriouslyl until you begin to understand the beauties of building, the wonders of wood-the romance of roofing-the marvEls of masonry -the charm of cement.
More than that besides the pleasure you miss, your friends and neighbors and prospictive customers are -also missing that pleasure-a pleasure that means business for you.
You- are too apt to be so close to the pile of. 2x4ls in your yard that you cannot see the magnificCnt tree from which they came. But the man or the woman who can visualize that great tree will be irresistibly drawn to want the wood from that tree placed in the home.
"Wood" is not "just wood;" it is whatever you want to make it. You can scornfully kick a plank around and call it "just a plank"-2nd that's all your customer will pay you for.
But you can also call it a section taken from the heart of one of those marvelous forest giants, 200 feet high and 300- y-ears -old; with centuries of growth in the bright sun and the blue sky to give it strength and beauty; and that is what your customer will see and that is what he will want and what he will be mighty willing to pay for.
Scientific Kiln-fDry;ng
Plctred is a ldln uuck of hardrvood lunber be. iry pneparcdfor manufacture into "Evedasting" Ftoodng. Note the plecautions for thorough air circrrlation-the center fue, the open opacing, the cptern of stickers. "Everlasting" fooring is as ecicotifically kilndrid as the arood rrrcd ilr thc f,nect funitrre.