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Yard, Mill, Office and Road
What Live California Lumbermen Are Doing
Chief Inspector J. E. Jones of the Southern Pine Association left New Orleans Monday, July 16th for a trip of inspection of various phases of the lumber industry of California and the Pacific Northwest which is expected to occupy about six weeks. In California Mr. Jones will be joined by C. J. Hogue of t'ire West Coast Forest Products Bureau and Dudley F. Holtm,ah, engineer of the National Lumber Manufacturers' Association and a representative of the Federal Department of Commerce, who will accompany the party on the Pacific Coast inspection trip.
,Inspector Jones will stop off at Los Angeles where the party will inspect the timber docks of San Pedro harbor July 23rd. The party will proceed to San Francisco and attend the meeting of the Lumber Manufacturers' Standardization Committee there July 25th and 26th. Mr. Jones an,d, C. C. Sheppard, of Oakdale, La., will represent trhe Southern Pine Association at the Standardization meeting. The inspection party will make a number,of side-trips to the Sequoia forests and to redwood and sugar pine mills and then will go to Portland, Ore., Seattle and Tacoma, 'Wash., aqd Vancouver, B. C., making trips out into the woods at various points to lumber plants for study and information regarding logging, lumbering and manufacturing methods on the \Mest Coast. Inspector Jones also may ;rttend. the general meeting of the West Coast Lumber \lanufacturers' Association to be held on the Coast about the middle of Attgust.
Harold Plummer Returns From Coronado
Harold Plummer, of the lJnion Lumber Company, has returned to San Francisco, after spending an enjoyable vacation with his family at Coronado. Mr. Plummer's family remained at Coronado, where they are spending the sum.m€r months.
Paraffine Companies Purchase Durable Plant
The Paraffine Companies, Inc., manufacturers of Pabco Products, announces the purchase of the large plant of the Durable Roofing Company of Portland, Oregon.
This makes the seventee:rth plant of The Paraffine Companies, Inc., which is one of the \Mest's largesu industrial corporations, being a $12,C0O,000 corporation, employing over 2,000 people and doing an annual international business in excess of $15,000,000
This company is a Western company in every sense of the word, being entirely owned by 1,780'Westerners. The Northwest has known The Paraffine Companies, Inc. for a' number of years, as it is a big user of Pabco Products.
This company operates large wood pulp, wall board and sulphite plants at Port Angeles; a board mill and fibre box plant at Summer, Washington.
The Paraf;fine Companies, fnc., products include roofings, paints, floor coverings, wall board, paper boxes, shipping cases and allied products.
Architects' Now Specify "Perfection Brand" Oak Flooring
It will pay you to carry "Perfection" Brand Oak Flooring in stock. Architects, contractors and builders have found over a long period of years that greatest satisfaction has come from "Perfection" Brand Oak Flooring. Their specifications more often call for "Perfection" than any other one brand.
You can build a greater volume of business on "Perfec- tion." All stock is uniformly graded, and perf ectly matched. Two large mills enable us to assure you prompt delivery.
Our national advertising campaign in the leading home lovers magazine is creating bigger interest in the super- iority of "Perfection" Brand. Write for full information. Arkansas
The Yankee-Motor Bodies Corporation will open in a few weeks at 1224 East Ninth Street, Los Angeles. This company has been formed to build truck and commercial auto car bodies on a large scale, and will cater especially to the building material trade.

Mr. James V. Yankie, president of the new company is an old lumberman of Los Angeles, having entered thi game there in 1910 as a salesman for E. J. Stanton & Son and afterward going with the American Hardwood Company. His brother, Mr. S. T. Yankie has come to California iust recently from his home in Ohio to' take an active inteiest in the business, and another brother, R. L. Yankie, manager of the Batesville Lumber & Veneer Company at Lawrenceburg, Indiana, will also have an interest. The com,pany is capitalized at $50,000.CO.
Buzard Visiting Company Mill Operations
R. T. Bnzard, well known San Francisco lumbermain, and president of the Siskiyou Lumber Company, has been spending the past few weeks at the company's plant at Jerome, California. He will probably remain at the mill for the next three or four weeks. He' is accompanied bv Mrs. Buzard and family.
John Muller Returns From Northern
John Muller, of San Francisco, manager of the rail departrrlent for J. R. Hanify & Co., has returned to the Bay District after a pleasant motoring trip through Oregon and Washington. Although this was a vacation trip, while in the north he found time to call on his many mill friends of the northwest. lIe went as far north as Raymon'd, Washington, where he spent a few days visiting with the company's mill representatives.
Bert Dimmick Returns From Camping Trip In Oregon
A. A. (Bert) Dimmick, of the Cutler-Dimmick Lumber Co., San Francisco, has returned' to the Bay after spending ten days camping in Coos County, Oregon. Bert reports a wonderful trip and says that he had some good luck at fishing. While in the north, he spent a couple clays at Roseburg where he discussed business matters with his partner, Fred Cutler, of Portland. Mr. Cutler motored down from Portland. On his trip, he was accompan.ied by Mrs. Dimmick and children.
Lumber Shipments From Portland To California
The following are lumber shipping statistics from Portland, Oregon, to the State of Califorria. In 7921 Portland shipped to California 162,258,000 feet, and in 1922,236,216,000 feet. 1923 bids fair to srhow a considerable increase over 1922.
C. A. Ames, secretary of J. R. Hanify & Co., San Francisco, was a recent visitor to Los Angeles where he spent a couple weeks on his vacation. He returned to San Francisco around the latter part of the month.
Revenues From National Forest Timber Sales Show Increase
According to District Forester P. G. Redington, the timber sales from national forests during the past fiscal year amounted to over $900,000.00, compared to $367,000.00 for the previous year.