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Date Set For Los Angeles Concat
August 1lth, l;"r been definitely set as thq date for the picnic and concatenation to be held by the Los Angeles District. The location of the affairt ,is the same as announced recently. The members will get together at noon on this date, at Mr. Perry Whitings country pl.ace| in the La Crescenta Valley. This is a bbautiful spot to conduct a meetiag of this kind, the comrriittees are arranging various stunts in the way of games, itc., for entertainment in the afternoon, dinner will be served under the trees at 6 o'clock rand the ,concatenation will be held after that.
The indications are for a record attendance. This will be strictly a stag meeting, and the notices that will be in the meil within a few days will giv! all particulars, including directions how to reach the placel The San Diego District has notified Snark Curtis Williams that theyi will, have a party of fifteen in attendance, an.d it is hoped that several of the northern members cah make the trio.
Atlanta To Go After 1924 Annual
At a Concatenation held at Atlanta, Georgia, on June 23, Supreme Jabberwock C. B. Harmon, was authorized to notify Secretary Treasurer Isherwood that Atlarta would invite the order to hold the 1924 Annual at Atlanra that Atlanta was out after and intended securing the appointment of their city for the next meeting place. California members have been mentioning either San Francisco or l-os Angeles ior 1924; they will have tc get busy.
There will no d,oubt be a good representation from Californii at New Orleans next September ninth. San Francisco, Los Angeles and the San Diego Districts will each send a delegate, in addition to ind'ividual members who have stated their intention of attendirg.
Mr. Henry R. fsherwood, when at Portland, received the following letter from M.. J. E. Manley, president of the Tacoma Lumbermens Club:
"At a regular meeting of the Tacoma Club, a resolutio:r was passed heartily work of the Hoo-Hoo organization.