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Vicegerent Fred Ham.ilton of San Diego district, with his co.workers is making preparations for extending welcome and greetirgs to President Harding on his coming visit to San Diego.
T,he program on the part of the San Diego Club is being handled in a m.anner that it will be most interesting and such as will be a credit to the Order and the San Diego Club.
Will Attend Bohemian Club Encampment
,,4,. J. Russell, of the Santa Fe Lumber Co., San Francisco, is attending the ten days Bohemian Club Encampment at the Bohemian Club Grove among the. Redwoods. The play, which was written by Mr. Redding, will be staged on August 5. Mr. Russell is accompanied, by Preston W. Smith, his old boyhood chum of Portland, Oregon. Mr. Smith is secretary of the Kern-Gifford Co., of Portland, who are big dealers of grain and wheat in the northwest.
Superintendent for Retail Lumber Yard stocking 2 million feet. Must be thoroughly familiar with West Coast grades, (association tallyman will be given preference). Quick and accurate at figuring lumber.
To be given full charge of yard with crew of 15 to 25 men, and superintend order department. Must be able to handle customers and make friends for the company.
Address in own handwriting and stater fully what work have been doing past few years, give age and references.
Salary $150.00 and up according to ability, we not object to larger salary to eompetent man. P. Box 672, Santa Barbara, California.
Redondo Wharf Matter Hanging
Having been refused a new franchise on their desired terms, by the City of Redondo, the Pacific Electric Railway Com,pany has petitioned the Railroad Commission for permission to a'bandon the wharf at Redondo.
At a hearing set by the Comm,ission on July 23rd, Mr. Henry Riddiford appeared representing the Ips An- geles Lumbermens Exchange, and Mr. E. D. Tennant, for the Los Angeles District Lumbermens Club. After taking the testimony from the various parties concerned the Commission expressed the opinion that the ,matter would no doubt have to be scttled between the city of Redondo and the Pacific Electric Company, that the Commission had no power to compel the granting of the franchise. It is hoped that there will be a compromise arranged.