2 minute read
Dollar-Portland Mill Starts; Gus Russell Sells Output In California
Portland, Oregon, July 20.-The Dollar-Portland Lumber Company, of this city, is again turning its wheets after a shut-down of nearly two years. The entire plant has been gone over and placed in the finest of operating shape, and by August lst the saw mill will be running tot {ull capacity. The Dollar-Portland Lumber Company has succeeded the old Portland Lumber Company, and its prop€r- ties. The mill, located right in Portland on the bankq of the Willamette, is one of the best mills in this district, an,d will turn out over 4m,000 feet a day on a two shift operation.
Lloyd J. Wentworth is President and General Manager. Mr. Wentworth announces that the rail shipments from this plant to California territory will be handled exclusively by the Santa Fe Lumber Company, of San Francisco, of which A. J. "Gus" Russell is the head. Mr. Russell sold the produit of this mill in California with great success for a number of years orevious to the shut-down.
Big British Columbia Firm Begins Staining Edgegrain Shingles
Vancouver, B. C., July 27.-After months of preparation
The Edgecumb-Newham Company, one of the'biggest makers of shingles in British Columbia, with mills and offices at Vancouver, h,ave begun o'peration of their blg new and wonderfully efficient shingle staining machine. It has a capacity of about a car of shingles daily, and will stain nothing but Edgegrain, B. C. Shingles. This concern has a daily output of one million edgegrain shingles, and markets them over the entire United States.
J. A. Edgeclmb, President of the company, is also President of the Shingle Manufacturers' Association ot British Columbia, and is the father of the great new merchandising effort that is being started in August to advertise and merchandise B. C. edgegrain shingles to the whole continentr He is a live wire of the first water. He has been sold for some time on the staining of shingles at the mill in the bundle, and is preparing a wonderful lot of high class literature, and an active merchandising and a<ivertising camtpaign.
Tall Oregonian Migrates To California
l,{r. Joe .Steel, the long gentleman in the accompanying photograph, has been recently transferred from the Portland offices of the Moore Dry Kiln Company, to the California field where he will represent this company. Mr. Steel is an expert in his line, havi:rg graduated from the Oregon Agricultural College, and the School of Forestry. He was connected at one time with the Forest P'roducts Laboratory at Madison, \Visconsin. The Moore Dty Kiln Company believes that they can better serve tlhe mill and, lumbermlen ,of this state by furnishing a thoroughly practica"l representative, and one who can handle the various problems arising in the dry kiln business. Mr. Chas. J. Williams, president of the Moore Dry Kiln Company, expresses the opinion that Joe's extraord'inary height came from his being raised among the tall firs of Oregon, tirat he naturally followed their tendencies to get up 'into the air.
Mr. Steel will be located at 159 I-ake Street, O,aklancl.