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I-os Angeles has completed plans for a combrned picnic and concat to be held in the hills near Los Angeles on1 Satqrday, August 11th. This'd,istrict is inviting mimbers from Orange County, San Diego and Santa Baibara to attend, and they will no doubt have a large meeting. The Los Angeles d.istrict has applications from, a largE number of kittens.
A. W. Bernhauer, Snark San Joaquin Valley District announces Septem,ber lst. as the date for their next meeting, to 'be held at ,Fresno. This is be,ing given prior to th1 date for the Annual at New Orleans, to permit Mr. LeMasters to attend, before leaving for the south.
The Sacramento District is working on plans for a concat, probably in September, Snark Harry Fuller is m,aking p,lans.
San Diego will announce the date of their next meeting in a short time. Snark Fred C. Hamilton h'opes to be able to hold this next concat on the next raft ihat is on the way to tire Benson Lirmber Company. This will be a novel affair, a good numiber o,f Los Angeles Cats are planning to attend.
Mr. LeMasters announces that the California lurisdiction has been in the lead for the .country for some time, but at the present is a little behind. He is calling on all loyal Hoo-Hoo to rally to these coming meetings in order to bring the state in the lead agair.
1. Your club is part of the only international organiza- tion coordinating every branch of the Lumlber Industry into a cooperative unit.
2. Your club is enrolled under and has the privilege to use the only insignia standing for Lumberdom in its entirety throughout the world.
3. Your club participates in The Bulletin-the only fraternal organ of Lumbendom-devoted to the activities of Hoo-Hoo and news of the industry.
Lumbermens endorsing the
"It was the feeling of those present that the HooHoo order taking in as it does men from all branches of the industry from, the logger to the retailer, has a tendency to coordinate the various branches of the industry, and makes a place where problems affecting the industry as a whole can be freely 'discussed and proper decision reached, and .we, therefore, heartily recomme:rd the order to anyone interested in any branch of the lumber businiss."
Yours ver5r truly, Tacoma Lumbermens Clu,b, J. E. Manley, Pres.
Coming Concatenations
Senior Hoo-Hoo C. D. LeMasters of Fresno annouRces that August and September will be big months in California for Hoo-Hoo.
San Francisco is planning a conca.t for August, the date not yet set, Snark Henry Faull is working on the arrangetnents and.predicts a record brqake-r. : ,
4. Your club members receive a $100 Benefit Certificate which is the helping hand to the beneficiaries of those called to answer the summons from above.
5. Your club has the services of a Central office which disseminates the activities of your club and passes along to you helpful ideas devised by other clubs and National office.
6. Each member of your local Hoo-Hoo Cluh has admittance to the concatenations and meetings of all HooHoo Clubs throughout the world.
7. Your club and its members have contact, association and a bond of fraternalism with prominent and. progressive Lumbermen outside your local memtership.
8. Your club is affiliated with an organizatton that is the most powerful influence for building good will for gyer-y branch of the Lumber industry, promoting the lofty ideals as defined in our Code of Ethics-.
9. Your club and each member has the pride of association with the most progressive men who are giving a service to the trade and humanity as the :Nationt fionr Builders.
The foregoing was in one of the recent bulletirrs from St. Louis, and copies"are'being distributed to members in the vaqious Hgo:I{qg Clg!,1, "t}rgpghou! tlre cguntrlr. .
"RUSFf" Camp to Mill shipping instructions
"Scnd up two yarding blockr and a roll of inch.and a quarter cablcr" eomcr the voice over the wire. t'And rcnd it rurh t" How oftcn rhipping inrtructionr fiom the woodr havc that word "rulh" tagged on. And whcn the order comer, then'r when you want an M. A. C. Rail Car on hand to do the 'rurhing !"
Ure it for all Lindr of rcgular day-in, day.out catrp) trrB.- poltetion. Cut down .thc time wertcd by men wailing on matcrialr and for 'lift." in and out of youi camp.- Get lhcrn into inmediate actiou, by taLiag them there orr tle M. A. C. Rail Cer! And then when the emergcncy comer,-ire fighting -lgrpital wqrk-cnginc partr-you'v- got a nceded friend!
Thc M. A. C. Rail Crr ir a powcrful, guolinc-driven utility car-. H_er -a loed capac_ity 9f 19,000 lbr.,-and plcnty of powc'r to handlc it on eny gradc. lnride thc caL. thcrl'l ,"-"- f". Gr" rncn, when thc wcathcr'r brd.
Note the specifications on the left. They_ show the strength and character built into the M. A. C. Rail Car. ft is made to work. not to be repaired.
Writ-e _ us for catalog showing special fire-fighting equipment ani Prrce6. lhls equipm€nt alone makes the investment worth.while.
Skagit Steel & Iron Workr Sedro-Woolley, Warhington.
Secretary-Treasurer Isherwood reached his office on Monday morning after a six weeks' trip to the Pacific Coast, where he participated and addressed the following meetings:
June 6th-Portland, Lumbermen's Club, Portland, Ore.
June 7th-Concatenation Portland, Oregon.
June 1lth-Add,ressed Elkad Elko Club, Spokane, Wash.
June 12th-Concatenation, Spokane,'Wash.
June l4th-Addressed Pacific Shipper's Assn., Seattle, Wash.
June 1Sth-Addressed Pacific Coast Mfrs. Assn., Seattle, Wash.
June 20th-Addressed Tacoma Lumbermen's Club, Tacorna, Wash.
June 21st-Addressed Hoo-Hoo of Aberdeen, Wash.
June Z2nd-Addressed Special meeting of Hoo-Hoo.
June Z8th-Concatenation, Portland, Ore.
July 2nd-Addressed Hoo-Hoo of San Francisco, Calif.
July 3rd & 4th-Conference with C. D. LeMaster, Senior Hoo-Hoo Fresno.
July Sth-Addressed Los Angeles Hoo-Hoo Club.
July 7th-Addressed Hoo-Hoo Club of San Diego, Calif.
July l2th--Addressed Hoo-I{oo and Lumbermen, Salt Lake City.
July l3th-Conference with R. D. Mundell, Supreme Custocatian, Denver.
Mr. Isherwood reports that this has been a most interesting and beneficiaftrip, afiording the opportunity of giving first-hand information as to the progress and condition of the Order to the mimbers of the Pacific Coast and also affording the opportunity of discussing the various plans that have to do with the welfare of the Order.
The primary object of this trip was not only lto meet with the mernbers and to give them first-hand information, but to impress upon the minds oi the members the importance of their support to the Order and of the benefits members of the West Coast are receiving through the activities throughout the land, and particularly to interest the m,embers of the Pacific Coast in organizing Hoo.Hoo Clubs and becoming a part of the National Organization. Great progress was made in this respect.
A more complete report will be made in the next weekly news letter. Secretary Treasurer Isherwood reports it is gratifying to him the way the members responded to the call in ,attending meetings.