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Robertson-Hackett of Vancouver Invade'California Territory
:Lastlwinter George R. Hackett, of Vancouver, British Columbia, having heard and read much of the great lum,ber consuming State of California, deterinined to -see for him- self. So to the Golden state he ca?ne. andl for more .than two months he looked over thb territorv from a lumber viewpoint, at close rangb. From San Diego to San Francisco he stopped, looked, and listened, and he went back to His Majesty's good.Province of British Columbia convinced that the rapid growth and building development of California was likely to continue for many years to come, and likewise convinced that he would like to have his finger in the pie.
For George Hackett is Vice President and, General Manager of one of the oldest and most reputable lumber manufacturing concerns in British Columbia, Robertson-Hacketr S'awmills, Ltd., with nearly forty years of sawmill experience behind them, and a splendid big miill on the waterfront in Vancouver, turning out their lumber.
Now Mr. Hackett is shipping lumber continually to California and making various and interesting plans tor doing more of the same things transportation facilities, rates, etc., lend themselves to so doing. At present he is shipping his lum'ber on Canadian Government Merchant Marinb 'boats. He ships both Fir and Hemlock, manufactures it carefullrfronr the finest logs that British Columbia produces, ail inspected by Pacific Lumber Inspection Bureau tnspectors, and therefore absolutely dependable as to grade.
The President of Robertson-Hackett Sawmills. Ltd.. is a splendid old Scotchman, D. Robertson, who, with George R. Flackett's father organized the company and built their first mills more than a generation ago. C. E. Gaisford is their Sales Manager. Their offibes are at their Vancouver mill. They are offering to the California trade Fir and Hemlock boards and climension, lumber, ,ties, lath, and green clea.rs.
Mr. Hackett is a young, lir,e. on-the-job person who iras been 'born and raised in the sawmill business. and his interest in the California ntarket Dromises to be the means of bringing much more B. C. lurnber into this territory than in the past.
Hollister, accom'panied by his son, is on a ten-days' vacition trip by automobile that will carry him to the Yosemite National Park.
D. of
The arival of several cargoes of cement from foreign ports has been a considerable relief to the cement dealers of Southern California, who are making deliveries of this stock at.a normal rate.
This stock is being brought fromr Sweden, Norwa;r, Germany, Great Britain and other points, at'a price. tfra(,is understood to be practically on a par with the local prodgct, and is being sold at the,prevailing retail list priqe. It is stated also that some cement has been shipped into Los Angeles county from Utah and also from, El Paso, Texas, this Iurther relieving the heavy drain on the loc.al manufacturers.
While the figures ere not exact, approximately twentyfive thousand barrels is the normal production, per day, in Southern California, and the largest part of this'amount is consumed locally.
Mr.J. C. Dionne, publisher of THE CALIFORNIA LUMBER MERCHANT, was the honor guest at a big special luncheon at Vancouver, I3. C., on July 25th, in the Vancouver l{otel. The meeting was attended by the shingle, lumiber and logging men of British Columbia.
Mr. Dionne delivered an address on "Cooperative Merthandising."
Mr. Dionne was honored also at a meeting of the shingle men, at Vancouver, July 27th.
New Lumber Yard For Oakland
J. H. Neighbor has opened a new retail lumber yard ai 74O7 East 14th Street, Oakland. under the name of Neighbors Lum'ber Yard. Mr. Neighbor is a well known lumber man in Northern California and was formerly connected with the redwood business.
Hayward Makes Changes In Arizona
The Hayward Lumber & Investment Company has closed the yard at Gadsen, Arizona, and has moved the stock to the yard operated at Yuma.
Mr. L. Cunningham, formerly manager at Yuma has been transferred to Los Angeles, and Mr. E. L. Simpkins, will take charge at Yuma, moving there from Gadsen.
Mr. T. C. Montgomery, line yard operator of Winner, South Dakota, and interested in the Montgomery Lumber Company, at Culver City, has returned to his home, after a prolonged stay in Southern California.
Mr. Montgomery went east via Seattle, where he visited with various of the lumbernren in that city.
Robertson, Prer. Edablighed 1888
Geo. R. Hackett, v. P. & G. M.
We wish to announce to the retail trade of California that we are in position to quote on parcels