3 minute read
GEO. R. CHRISTIE, General Manager
(Continued from Page 8)
Mr. R. F. Hammatt, of the California Redwood Association, and Mr. Stowell Smith, of the California White and Sugar Pine Association.
The lumbermen who registered at the meeting were as follows:
E. T. Allen Western Forestry & Cons. Ass'n. Prtland, Ore.
Edgar P. Allen National Lumber Mfrs. Ass'n. Washington, D. C.
Swilt Berry Calif. Forest Protective Ass'n. 421 Call Bldg., S. F'
Guy I. Buell North Carolina Pine Ass'n. Spring Hope, N. C.
J. H. Browne The ?acific Lumber Co. New York City
R. E. Caldwell The Little River Redwood Co. Balfour Bldg,, S. F,
Harry B. Clark Nat, Lumber Mfrs. Ass'n. Chicago, Ill.
Wilson Compton Nat, Lumber Mfrs. Ass'n. Washington, D. C.
W. O. Church W. R. Pickering Lumber Co. Kansas City, Mo.
F. C. Knapp Peninsula Lumber Co. Portland, Ore.
Theo. krch Albion Lumber Co. Hobart BIdg., S. F.
C. C. Collins C. C. Collins Lumber Co. Rhinelander, Wis.
A. W. Cooper 'Western Pine Mfrs. Ass'n. ?ortland, Ore.
JamesDanaher, Jr. Michigan-California Lbr. Co. Camino
R. E. Danaher Michigan-California Lbr. Co. San Francisco
G. R, Devore American Lumberman 1555 Broadway, S. F.
A. C. Dixon The Booth Kelly Lumber Co. Eugene, Ore.
Ernest Dolge Ernest Dolge, Inc. 947 Monadnck Bg., S.F.
J. F. Elwood So. Pacific Co. 77 Market St., S- F.
Wm. A. Gately Department gf Commerce Washington, D. C.
Geo. T. Gerlinger Williamette Valley Lumber Co. Portland, Ore.
Everett G. Grrsgs St. Paul & Tacoma Lumber Co. Tacoma, Wash.
IJoyd Harris Holmes Eureka Lumber Co. ?24 Mer. Ex. Bldg., S. F.
H. B. Hewes Southern Cypress Mfrs. Ass'n. Jeanerette, Ia.
R. F. Hamilton The Pacific Lumber Co. San Francisco
W. B. Harbeson Georgia-Florida Sawmill Ass'n. Pensacola, Fla.
E. C. Ihrrell Georgia-Florida Sawmill Ass'n. Jacksonville, Fla.
O. C. Haslett Spanish Peak Lumber Co. San Francisco
R. F. Hammatt Calif. Redwood Ass'n. U o.Jfi. St., S. F.
J. S. Hickok Hutchinson Lumber Co. Oroville
Henry M. Hink Dolber & Carson Lumber Co. Tacoma, Wash.
C. J, Hogue West Coast Lumbermen's Ass'n. Seattle, Wash.
Dudley F. Holtman National Lumber Mfrs. Ass'n. Washington, D. C. Cloquet, Wesh. Centralia, Wash.
216 Pine St., S. F. Crocker Bldg., S. F.
I. M. Johnson Plumas Lumber Co. Cromberg
|. E. Joes Southern Pine Ass'n. New Orleans, La.
W. G. Kahman McCloud River Lumber Co. McCloud
I. E. Martin The Calif. Lumber Mcrchant San Francisco
W. C. McN"tv San Francisco il- R- McCormick Chas, .R. McCormick & Co. San Francisco
T. P. Goldrici< McGotdrick Lumber Co. Spokane, Wash.
F. K. McFarlan Calii, Redwood Ass'n. 321 Bush St., S. F.
A. T. McKenzie Yosemite Lumber Co. 230 Calif. St.' S. F.
W. R. McMillar Hammond Lumber Co. San Francisco
Wm. G. Musan Do,lber & Carson Lumber Co' 724 Mer, Ex. Bldg., S' F.
Prof. W. I. Mulford University of California Berkeley
M. A. Murohy F. S. Lumber Co. San Francisco
A. L. Osboin- North. Hem. & Hardwood Ass'n. Oshkosh, Wis.
D. S. ?ainter Fruit Growers Supply Co. San Francisco
E H. ?olleys The Polleys Lumber Co. Missoula, Mont.
R. F. Pray Hutchinson Lumber Co. Orwille
E. -M. Priscott Prescott Brick & Lumber Co. Fresno
|. F'. B. Rawcliffe Kirby Lumber Co. Houston,. Texas i. W. Rodeers Iassen Lbr. & Box Co. San Francisco iI. Rowe - Cali{. Fruit Exchange (;raeagle
R. II. Scanlon M. J. Scanlcn Lumber Co. Massack
C. C. Shepoard Forest Lumber Co. Oakdale, Il.
H. W. Si;;ock Redwood Sales Co. 216 PineSt., S. F.
D. P. Simons 1065 Mission St., S. F.
E. A. Selfridce, Jr. Northwestern Redwood Co. %5 Calif. St.' S. F.
T. R. Shaw - - Shaw-Bertram Lumber Co. Klamath Falls, Ore.
W. C. Sh.r-.n Georgia-Florida Sbwmil Ass'n. Millville, Fla.
C. Stowell Smith Calif. W. & S. ?ine Mfrs. Ass'n. 425 Czll Bldg., S. F.
Iohn D. Soauldinc Cali{. S. & W. Pine Co. ' San Francisco
F. L Soti"it v. fr. Castle Crag Lumber Co. Castella
T. W. Stevens - Calif. W. & S. Pine Mfrs. Ass'n. $3n Francisco
'Irierrilt Stcddard Trio Lumber Co. Quincy
W. Y. Sloaaard F. S. Murphy Lumber Co. Ouincy
D. M. Swobe McClrud River R. R. Co. San Francisgo
R- W. Vinnedc6 West Coast Ltrmbermen's Ass'n. North Bend, Wash.
Willis I. Wal[er Red River Lumber Co. 305 Monadnock Bg., S' F.
A. B. Wostell Calif. Petail Lumbermen's Ass'n' 112 Market St., S. F.
Frank G. Wisner Eastman Gardiner & Co.
Gill Returns From Portland Trip
Tohn L. Kaul Southern Pine Association. P'irmineham. Ala.
John Southern P'irmingham, Ala.
L. P. Keith West Coast Forest Pro. Bureau New York Citv
L. Kraemer Natimal Lumber Mfrs. Ass'n. Washington, D. C.
F. H. Iambert McCloud River Lumber Co. McCloud
,R. R. Gill, of San Francisco, representative of Chas. R. McCormick & Co., has returned from a turo-weeks' trip to Portland. While in the north, he spent several days at the company's mills at St. Helens. Mrs. Gill, and theil young daughter, will remain at Portland where they will spend another month with relatives.
We can ship you straight or mixed cara of lhe materials listed here. You can put many necessities in a single car. We manufacture all this stock ourselves. You know ilre quality of Arkanaas hardwoods. Prices orinformation gladly furnished.