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Lumber By-Products, North and South
From Shasta's Lofty Summit to Coronado's Silver Strand.
Benson Lumber Company Reopens Mill
The Benson mill at San Diego, has been opened full force, after a months shut down, caused by a log shortage. The arrival of their first raft early this month ,has relieved the situation, and will,provide logs to keep them running a full eight hour shift -untitr the arrival of a second raft, that is just ready to start south. This mill cuts an average of -60,000 feit in eight hours, and they are able and specialize in the getting out of rush ord,ers for special sizes and lengths.
Facts- regarding this last raft are interesting. It was towed down by the Tug Humaconna, taking just thirteen davs to come down from Astoria. The raft was built on freshwater at Clapslamee, Ore., floated down the Columbia to Astoria where the Humaconna picked it up. The raft had an overall length of 990 feet wide. It drew 27 ''feet of water, and was bburd together with over 200 tons of chains and cable.
It carried a large deck load of piling. The Benson Com,pany construcied a floating walk out from: the 'drock onto-the raft, and entertained hundreds of San Diego citizens t,hat were drawn to the waterfront by this spectacle.
The Benson Lumber Company has made tremerdous strides in the last year, and is contemplating improvement-s that will add to their facilities. Mr. Frank Lynch is president of the company, and Mr. F. M. White, treasurer and general manager. The sales of the company are capably handled by Mr. Fred C. Hamiilton.
The Independent Lumber Company, with yard already at Los Angeles, Tejunga and Reseda, will s'hortly open a new yard at Alhambra. This is one more of a chain of vards that t'his company inten,ds comrpleting in Southern California.
We Offer
Is Yourfour floonng made on Latest Type of Flooring Flooring made the Machinery?
Superior Oak Flooring is the best oak flooring in the world because it is milled on the latest type of disc-head milling machinery. That is why Superior Brand is exactly what its name imilies-SUPERIOR in every way. For example, merely compare the finish of -Superior Brjnd with ihe average oak finish. You will find that because the machinery we use produces a finish unequalled by any other process of flo,orins manufacturer, knife marks are entirely eliminited from Supirior Brand, and scraping and sandinq are reduced to the very minimum. In att oth-er respects, also, you will find Superior Brand to meisure up to every quality test. If vou are not now a Superior Dealer, write us to ihow you why it will pay you to'become one.
Superior Oak Flooring Company
Freeman Will Represent Eagle Lumber Company
S. F. Freeman, popular and well known San Francisco lum'berman, is now aftiliated with the San Francisco ofifice of the Eagle Lumber Company and will represent this well known concern in the San Joaquin Valley, Sonoma County, and East Bay Districts. "Buck," as he is familiarly known by his lumbermen friends, needs no introduction to the lumber trade of Northern California as he has worked this territory for several years. He will assist G. R. Bleecker, who is the California representative oI the Eagle Lumber Company, in looking after the company's business in Northern California.
Advertising Plan Service To The Prospect
This is how one progressive dealer in San Diego advertises his modern plan service andl building helps to the p'rospective home owner.
This advertisement appeared recently in a daily paper, on a page devoted entirely to building ideas and helps.
We wish to announce that we have orpened a Free Service Bureau for the Home Builder.
It is of the utmost importance to the Home Builder who is contemplating building or temodeling a home to know how it will look when completed, and also the cost.
We are equipped to meet your requirements.
We invite you to come to our office and look over our photographs, and plans and specifications. These ueautiful sets include floor plans with all measurements and estimated costs; and, in fact, all information you may necd. It is our desire to help the builder and this service is free and will place you under no obligations.
3fth and University. Phone Hillcrest !00O.
Coronado Lumber Company Bought By Sullivan
The Coronado Lumber Company at Coronado, has been bought by the Sullivan interests of San Diego.
The Sulliva:rs, Mr. Jerry Senior, Mr. H. L. and Mr. Jerry Junior are the owners also of the Sullivan Hardwood Company at Sa.n Diego, and the Western Lumber Company at the same place. These various institutions are operated separately, the hardwood company being under the management of Mr. Jerry Sullivan Jr. and Mr. lI. L. manages the Western Lumber Company.
Pacific States Lumber Company Refinances
The Pacific States Lumber Company at Hermosa Beach has increased its capitalization to $50,00O.0O.
Modesto Yard Seeks To Change Name
Applicatior for permission to change the name of the Ward Lumber Company, Modesto, to the Kewin Lumber Company, has been filed by T. H. Kewin, E. C. Peck and H. L. Say, present owners of the company.

Mr. Ward, former owner of the company, is no longer connected or interested in the corporlatiol.l, the petition states as the reason for changing the name.
The Puente & Davies Lumber Company has completed the rebuilding of their yard at Puente, recently destroyed by fire.
The y.ard is now one of the most attractive and well stocked in that section of the state. They have completed the combired office and store building v/here they handle a complete line of hardware, paints, varnishes, etc.