1 minute read
Thanks, Folks!
\W/e want to express our appreciation for a wonderful turnout. The Preview of the 1930 Models of Cowan Custom-Built-In Cabinets drew the biggest gathering of retail lumbermen ever present at any similar event. And to the best of our observance, everyone enjoyed and profited by the afternoon-even if it was HOT!!
A number of our guests told us that they obtained some good, constructive ideas, which was the genuine purpose behind the gathering. lWe wanted you to realize, by seeing the attractive features of the new models and by inspecting the plant, that Cowan Cabinets offer you a real opportunity in a field that is rich with waiting profits; that Cowan Cabinets ere MERCHANDISE backed by a worth-while selling idea.
You maybe interested in knowing that the exhibit is to be maintained as a permanent feature, which we shall be glad to show ro anyone that you may bring or send in. [Jse our Plan Service Department to furnish your customers with free plans and layouts of built' in cabinet work. And call onus for sales promotion work or for any special selling help that you may need.