1 minute read

E. K. Wood Lumber Go.

omrnendations bv the N.L.M.A. Inter-Insurance Exchange. "Prospects and Program of Tax Reduction,' was the fiial subject discussed.

Trade Extension Meeting

_ On Friday, Arlg. 9, the session of the -Tracle Extension -Lxecuttve Lommlttee was opened by the reading of a prog_ ress report by the Trade Extension Manager,-Waltlr F. Sl".*. Advertising plans were presented biF. O. perkins of the J. Walter Thompson Aeencv.

Following a -dis_cusglon of lolicy and projects in engi- neering research the _"Tree-Mirk" and gride-marking piogram was considered from both the demand side arid-the lupply side, and was followed by a statement from Kenneth Smith, 'Secretary of the Lum6er Dealers, Association of .Los Angeles.

^Other subjj:cts,-discussed were Consumption Survey, Government Building Program and the statis of negotia- tions. for- cooperative campaigns with millwork and"commercial furniture interests.

The functional assignments of staff members and their close tie-up with Regional Associations were discussed in detail.

Regional Secretaries' Meeting

On Saturd.ay, AuS. 10, secretaries of RJgional Associations met with technical and staff men oi the N.L.M.A. and steps were taken to harmonize all lumber promotion effort.






In "Robbins" Flooring you are assured of the very finest that has ever been, or ever w'ill be produced. Our geographical locaiion, the modern machinery in our mill, and the type of men who make our fooring, all go to make this statemel! po_ssrhle. "Robbins" Maple and Birch Flooring is the best.

Southern California


Si5.6 Pctroleuur Securiticr Btdp. Lor Angeler \l/Eetmore 9955

Northern California:

GEORGE C. CORNITTUS Merchantr Exchange Btdg., San Francirco


47Ol Santa Fe Ave. Lor Ansele!

Mllr: Anacortes, Warh.

King and Frederick Str. Oakland

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