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The Diamond Match Company Has Big Building and Remodeling Prograrn

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An ambitious program of building new ofifices and stores at some of their yards and remodeling of stores and offices at others is being carried out by The Diamond Match Company, operators of 47 rctail lumber yards, or ..Lumber and lujlling Material Stores," as they prefei to call them, in California.

I-ncluded in this program is the building of a new store arrd re-modeling of the o_ffice at Marysvill6; remodeling of the office and store at Yuba City; building new office"and store at Sutter, and new office and store aiMartinez. plans

A complete stock of builders' hardware, paint, nails and other materials is carried, and the use of paint is suggested to the customer by a harmonious blend bf colors ulid on the shelves and other woodwork in the store.

Peerless Built-in Fixtures are displayed, a complete kitchen being shown with sink and relt iite- A real'fireplace built with face brick, with a Groth fireplace installed, is an attractive feature.

At this yard wholesale stocks of roofing, hardwood flooring, paint and wall board are carried for iistribution to the company's and other yards.

A distinctive feature here is a separate yard called .,Economy Yard," which carries in stock No. 2 and No. 3 Common lumber and the cheaper grades of all materials.

_* Oscar J. Odegaard is the minager at Marysville, and A. C. Avery is assistant.

.A splendid remodeling job has been done at yuba. City, where the store now has a 6x16 foot plate glass displiy window, flood-lighted from above, and the U"'.t ""i"-io"'. feet high in order to give maximum amount of daylight in the store.

Nezu Store and Remodetei,tffjli::ufj.The Diamond Match Co. have just been completed for a new ofifice and store at Galt. and plans are now being prepared for a new office, store and shed at Concord where a new and better located site has been acquired for the yard.

The new store at Marysville has a frontage of 45 feet, and the exterior is finished in California stucJo. There are four_large display windorvs, flood lighted with ceiling lights, the floor of the windows being finisfied in RosewooaiUipf., Oak and Teak in a variety of finishes and grades, .,"it't-, u displav of various kinds oi panels at the baJk.

Here Diamond Imperial built-in kitchen fixtures are displayed, and her-e _again the visitor receives a pleasant impression created by the proper use of color. -Double nail counters are a convenience to the customer, and this store also carries a full line of paint and builders' hardware. The possibilities of Schumite Plaster Wall Board are shown on the walls ofthis store, the upper part of the walls being finished in Laux Wall Texture.

Since taking over this yard all the sheds have been remodeled in such a way as to_ effect a big saving in handling costs. This is also one of the company's whdlesale yard{ where big stocks of steel posts, barbea and woven- wire fencing, steel roofing, metal lath and flat steel are carried. also wholesale stock of clay products, tile brick, sewer pipe, flue linings, etc.

Fd Matheny is manager of the Yuba City yard.

At Sutter the new store and office building is situated

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