4 minute read
Abbeys Regtster and Tear Book
TYestern Lunber Industry tcr29 Edttton Now Ready
, A minute md accurate gui& to ell bruches of tbe Lumba lndutry ol W-.h!ngto, Orego, Califmia, Idaho, Mmtea, Colaadq Nenda, Arizoa, N_w- Mexico, Souti Dakota, Utah, Wyomtng, Atarka, nrihsh Cotuirolia, the Philippires ud llawaii.
In petsmel infc.mtim givo imluder Prcsident, Mmgc, Superin- tendent, Sale; Muager, Purchming Agent and Martcr' Mcchaiic.- A -Cmpletelist of mchirery and equipment, daily epacity, cp*ies of wod swed, etc, mablc the Seller to the Indutry to slect Sabc prcpectr ud Lumber Buyca to plm ordera ud inquidrrj intelligattf.
_,..Over_10,000 lirtings in the bok whbh include: Saw, Planlng aDd Shirgle Mills, Woodvckers,_Logging Operatima; Box, Vener, pulp,-paper, Dir, S_ah, Cre Ams, Hudles and Frmiture Muufrctuiero, Machine-Shopc, Hotels, Bording -Hreq_Gemal Storer, ud Cmmisiries operated ii gSF -a -cm-po; Conty Cmmisimss in Catifmia, Oregon, Washingtoi, Idaho, md a list a'f Eastem Lunba Buyers.
Order thic valuble refererce bmk today. !$6 of lhe filru in ttre 1re- vious editim elimlnated anil S4o new firns -added.-
Sl0-Sl{x7ll Pager Price $2.50
PublirLed by
The Industriat Servlce Co.
Sherlock Bldg., Portland, Ore.
This is the final step in the ncza pachaging operation -afflyins a l>neumatic clamp ouer the cap. It is allouted to stay in that position until another pachagc comes along, ufon zahich the clamp is removed, and the lachase is swung "*" ,li_:;:::.that zuitt tahe it to the ened to the lumber firmly enough to stand any treatment it is. likely to receive on the way from the re-manufacturing plant to the building lot.
Several interesting tests proved this. To begin with, there were adhesion-tests. These showed the pac[age cap- able of .sustaining afar greater weight than- that"of the lumber it is required to hold. Then there were drop-tests which determined that the package is capable of^ withstanding impacts either full on its end or on one corner of one edge of its end. Finally, an unusual series of tests was conducted on a machine that subjected the packaged lumber to the same racking and weaving that would be eicountered duling an ordinary freight-shipment across the country.
It is interesting to note that these weaving and rac(ing tests proved successful because the cambric tape that at.-tached the new fibre band to the lumber smootfies out the sharp edge thatthe bank presented when attached with staples. This permits of easy sliding of one package across another.
As,a consequence of this detail, not only will the lumber stand shipment better than in the first 4-Square packare. but also it can be loaded into a car more effeitivelv'and cin b_e piled into a lumber shed more quickly and easiiy. While the taped package is not torn off br damagecl by ihis slid-
(Continued on Page 50.)
Elegtric Haiiiiers
ttOnly the Piston'moves"
% to 2.inch Dritling Capacity.
Veights 10 to 20lbs.
Priced at tf 00 and up.
Etcctrlc Drlllr, Atl Slzes
Pctable Gr{nderc end Bcnch Ty?cr
Strand Flcdbte thattr and Equtpncnt
Eleffc Hand tawr
Sandcm . Pollrhcre . Bulterc
If a job can be done with an slectpis 166t-r+,g have it.
(The Clearing Houte)
This Column of "Wants" and "Don't Wants" is for:
The Fellow Who Wants to Buy
The Fellow Who Wants to Sell The Fellow Who Wants to Hire
Rate: 52,s0 p* eolumn inch
Lumber yard Manager 38, Los Angeles experience, Bookkeeper, Credit Man, Sales Promotion Work, Sales Manager, Collections, Finance, Active, Highest References, wantJ connection with progressive lumber concern. At present, Secretary of yard. Box C-272 California Lumber Merchant.
Experienced Lumber Officeman Wants Connection
Experienced Lumber office man, age 37, wants connection with good lumber company. At present in full charge of all ofice work for mill and retail yard. Change desired in September or October. Will go anywhere. Address Box C-274. California Lumber Merchant.
New Type of Packaging "4 Square" Lumber
(Continued from Page 49) ing of one package over another, it is even easier and simpler to remove than the earlier tyPe.
- Mr. Payzant expressed the attitude of executives and millmen in the Weyerhaeuser affiliation when he said:
"We believe we now have the final machine and the final package. A few minor details have been checked up since ifte tirrt installation of the new equipment. These are being worked out in the successive machines as they are built, .n-d are being installed on the other improved-type machines now in operation. But the mechanical problems co-nnected with packagirtg lumber have been solved. Initial shipments of material in the new container have exceeded oui highest hopes for splendid results upon delivery to the dealers'vards'
"With this part of the program entirely revised to a satisfactorv status-, we feel more than ever that 4-SQUARE is a dernonstrated success, and the organization now is in a position to concentrate upon the fullest development of the merchandising aspects of the plan."
Senate Finance Committee Favors Restorin$ Shin$les and Lumber to Free List
Shineles and lumber will be restored to the free list in the Tariff Eitt to be reported by the Senate finance committee, according to a repolt of the deliberations of this committee in Washington, July 30. Sentiment was almost unanimous among the- Repriblican members of the committee for the r.ntoi"l of the proposed duty on shingles and on maple,
Wholesale lumber salesman with fifteen years' experience selling Douglas fir, redwood, white and sugar pine in California is open for a position. Familiar with the mill end of the business, having had several years' experience in mill operations in the Northwest and California. Knows the California retail trade, having had experience in both Northern and Southern California. Address Box C-273, Care California Lumber Merchant.
Mill Superintendent-salary and portion mill profits to right man, city within 100 miles of Los Angeles. Care. Box 275 California Lumber Merchant.