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that means steady profit to the dealer . that is one significance of the narne "Long-Bell" on the end of the piece. Buyers and builders like its quality and its performance . . . they are more willing to pay a fair price to the dealer to be sure of having this maximum construction value in lumber. Use this trade-mark and its significance as an effective sales point . . . tlte guide to dependable lumber!


The Long-Bell King Door-the door that in a few short years has "set the sryle" in doors. Inset panel, flush moulding, *'aterproof glue, excellent rvorkmanship-this door, made throughout of California rJ(hite Pine, is strong, beautiful and economical.


Beauty, minimum of labor in laying and durability are three important qualifcations of Long-Bell trademarked oak flooring. And, because of these qualities economy! The first-time user is almost invariably a repeat-custom er, for experie nce proves its economy and satisfaction. Builders are finding Long-Bell trademarked flooring a most valuable home sales aid.


Long-Bell Frames are made of soft textured, old growth yellow Douglas Fir, with heartwood predominating, providing a sturdy, durable frame. The machine work is unexcelled. The precision of the workmanship assures faster and more accurace assembly on the iob, utith tigbt f tting joints.Long-Bell Frames pled ge maximilm coilstraclion aalue,


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