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Wrc n the public dchnowleilgesle adefShip !
T7HOEVER would be a leader accePts the wodd's greatest challenge. Leaders must not only excel in the preseot, but also think far in advance of those who would try for first place. Leadership exacts the last ounce of eftcient effort. and demands that notive have precedeot over machine.
L. H.Bill has sought for nothing else than the public's endorsement of leadership. Every hand that operates a machine or fits a part in the Fageol factory r-r is guided by the Bill principle 6f manufai' #$S^,F"9*!; ture. Every man feels this great challenge to B leadership. knows the part he plays in retaining it for Fageol trucks and Safety Coaches. He knows that machines can never take the place ofbrains... that profits cannot take the, place of pride...and that quan' tity production must not be permitted to reduce cost at the expense of quality. Bill products are custom built in the Fageol factory. Machines are used to do only what machines can do better.. because every Fageol truck and Safety Coach is a co-ordin' ated unit ofservice and stands as a fePresent' adve ofthe best efforts of Fageol craftsmen. L l2thStreet SPOKANB Distribstors
5O3 Puyallup Avenue l126SecondStreet
VANCOUVER, B. C., Crmpbellr r i-ite4 2ot6 GBaville Street HONOLULU, T' H., ChestetR. Clatke,62o'622BeretaniaSueet