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Monolith Midwest Co. to Hold Small Homes Competition
Archite'cts, architectural draftsmen, students or anyone qualified by training and experience in architectural design and rendering are eligible to participate in a small homes competition just announced, prizes to include extensive trips abroad with all expenses paid and a liberal allowance for tips and incidentals.
The contest, sponsored bythe Midwest chapter of the American Institute of Architects for the Monolith Portland IVlidwest Company, closes on October 15, 7929, and in so far as the trips are concerned, the prizes may be transferred by the winning contestants to architectural draftsmen or students in case the winners are unable to make the tours.
While additional information on the contest should be obtained from the Denver offices of the Monolith Portland Midwest Company, the designs shall be of a home for a family of moderate means, suitable for a city or suburban lot in the Midwest section of the United States. The dwelling shall contain not more than six main rooms, a combination living and dining room to be considered as two rooms. Including the thickness of walls and other construction, exclusive of basement and garage, the dwelling shall contain not more than 18,000 cubic feet. The plot is to be an inside lot without alley, rectangular in shape, not wider than 60 feet nor longer than 150 feet. At least 75 per cent of the exterior must be shown finished with cement or stucco.
The prizes follow: First, three months' independent trip abro?d, first class, all expenses paid, $500 in cash for tips and incidentals, trip to start within one year of prize award, itinerary to suit wishes of contestant; second, two months' trip abroad or a regular cruise or tour, all expenses paid, $30O in cash for tips and incidentals, to start within year after award, cruise or tour to be selected bv contestant; third, three weeks' trip anywhere in the Unitld States, including transportation, hotel expenses and $150 for meals en route and incidentals; additional awards, honorable mention for next ten best designs for which $50 in cash will be given in addition to a copy of Rishard S. Requa's "Old World Inspiration for American Architecture"; spe'cial prizes, one of $100 and four $50, each accompanied by a copy ofMr. Requa's book, will be given for the best five articles on the importance of architect's services in designing and building a home.
J. A. Kirkpatrick, prominent Southern lumberman, is spending a few weeks in California. Mr. Kirkpatrick is connected with Wm. Cameron & Co., Inc., with headquarters at Waco, Texas. He is president of the Texas Retail Lumbermen's Association.
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