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West Coast Lumbermen's Association Hold Meeting at Longview, Wash.
A three-day series of lumber industry meetings were held at Longview, Washington, August 7,8 and,9, with lumbermen frorir all over the United States in attendance. A mass meeting of the West Coast Industry was held on 'Wednesday, August 7, which was followed by meetings of the National Lumber Manufacturers Association on August 8 and 9.
A dinner was given by the West Coast Association to the directors of the National and visiting retailers from the Northwestern Lumbermen's Association, Minneapolis, Minn.
A home-made lumber industry special entertainment for the enjoyment of the visiting lumbermen and the general public was arranged for by the Longview Chamber of Commerce for August 8 and 9. Through the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, the Long-Bell Lumber Company and the Weyerhaeuser Timber Company, both of Longview, an invitation was extended to the lumber industry to attend a "Rolleo" of log rolling, log bucking, high-
Roy Barto Visiting In Northwest
Roy Barto, Los Angeles, president of Cadwallader-Gibson, fnc., is in the Northwest where he is spending a few weeks on a business and pleasure trip. He will return to Los Angeles around the latter part of the month.
climbing and general water sports of the kind familiar to the older woodsmen and lumberjacks.
Hundreds of visiting lumbermen and thousands of the public attended the spectacular "Rolleo".
Among the outside speakers who addressed the West Coast Lumbermen's Association meeting, August 7, are the following:
Honorable William E. Humphrey, Chairman of the Federal Trade Commission, talked on the relations of government and industry, with reference particularly to trade practice conference; Judge William S. Bennett, of Chicago, lumber legal light, talked on recent developments in lumber merchandising such as grade and trade marking and the car card; W. T. Murray, Chairman ofthe Grading Rules Committee of the Southern Pine Association spoke on Grade Marking and related methods of merchandising in Southern Pine; and M. W. Stark, a hardwood manufacturer of Columbus, Ohio, gave the West Coast the benefit of his extended study of merchandising in lumber.
Ralph Duncan Takes Vacation
Ralph P. Duncan, of the Merced Lumber Co., Merced, recently spent a week enjoying the sea breezes at Santa Cruz. Most of the time was spent in improving his golf game.

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