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This Adjuster fits any type of swing out sash or frame with any type of screen.
Steel, fTdylite Plated.
Guaranteed Rust prrcf.
The Pivotal Bearings on all Watertite Sash Adjusters are Housed Power Spring (4 to each Sash) cannot possibly sustain confined to large headed Brass pivots and original sti*ness of covery is original with us and wear equal to l0 years in our
'Watertite Casement Hardware is manufactured by the best possible methods, has been thoroughly tested and is guaranteed where installed according to our printed instructions furnished with every unit.
Our No. l0 Sash. Adjusters can be applied to ordinary Stock Casement Frames,.but we recommend using our details for a Watertight Job. Full instructions are packed in every carton with everv unit.
all Brass against Steel. The specially Brass any wear whatever. Friction is STRICTLY Adjusters will remain. This mechanical distesting plant has proven its durability.
Steel, Udvlite Plated. Guaranteed Rust prmf.
Our Screen Adjuster No. 20 is used where our Combination Sash and Screen Mounting is wanted. These No. 20 Adjusters are Steel Undylited Plated, Brass Pivotal Bearings. Cannot loosen up and will not rust.
All Standard and Special Finishes.
All Brass or Bronze except Latch Hook which is Cold Rolled Steel and Latch Bar which is Bessemer Steel Rod.
Sash and Screen is opened and closed quickly, easily, simply and will STAY THAT WAY.
Strong winds will not SLAM Sash open or closed.
Complete working Details for Architects ancl Builders sent promptly on request.
watertite casement Hardware co. 4l5O So. Main St. LOS ANGEI F'S Phone Humbolt 0751 ,.I CONSIDER THIS A WONDERFUL PROPOSITION.'' T. DIDESCH, M. I. C.
Finat Hearing on Western and Southern Rates at Chicago
The second and final hearing before Examiner Mohundro of the Interstate Commerce Clmmission on the complaint of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association and the Western Pine Manufacturers' Association was held at the Edgewater Beach Hotel, Chicago, on Monday morning, Jv|, 29, 1929. Colonel W. B, Greeley, secretary-Aanager' iVest Coast Lumbermen's Association; S. J. Wettrick, commerce counsel for the two lumber associations; H' N' Proebstel,'traffic manager West Coast Lumbermen's Association and his assistant, L. A. West, attended the hearing' H. A. Gillis, traffic manager of the Western Pine Manufacturers' Association, and \M. J. Weisman, trafEc manager of the Weyerhaeuser' Sales Company at Spokane, Washington, also attended.
Lumber Veneers Panels Flooring
Wi[[ be a hanner yean fon trlhilippirre Mlallaogany pnodlnucts in tlhe West.
We lhave pioneenedl this rnarvellouns woodl prodlnuct in this territory, secuuning @ur sGpply fromn tlhe llnst'ullar lLt'nmolben Co., wlhiclh operates tlhe wonlldl's lbiggest
Philippine IYlahogany illippine nni[["
Otnr stoclks of Fhilippine are ullllstllrnoassedl, tlhey consist of "llangun-ille, Bgd [-au^on, Alnnon andl Apitong, andl ouun- hig verneer mni[[, dlny lkilns andl mnodlern pl[-aning mrai[[, enablle tus to ftrrnislh you lPlhilippirne in any fonmn alodl any quantity.
Delegations of retail lumber dealers from Indiana, Michigin and Ohio, testified at the hearing. of their inability- to handle western woods in any considerable voluttte becau.e of the handicap in freight rates which now exists.
The Southern Pine Association started their case to seek reductions to central territory as well as to points in the Mississippi Valley states such as Illinois, 'Wisco-n-sin, Iowa, Missouri bnd easiern Kansas and Nebraska on Wednesday, July 31. The West Coast Association and other western iss-ociations have intervened in the southern pine complaint, which alleges that the lumber rates from Pacific it"t..'are prejudici-al to the interests of southern pine shippers, interventions on the part of the .western associations teing necessary to pfevenl any possible alternative order by the Comrnission increasing western rates to remove the alleged undue prejudice.
From the standpoint of market extension this case before the Interstate Commerce Commission is one of the most important ever undertaken byWest Coast lumber interests. If the contentions of the allied West Coast lumber associations are allowed and the present abrupt increase in freight rates at the borders of Indiana and Michigan leveled out to a more reasonable gra.dation, millions of feet of western lumber will be sold during the years to come in this Central Freight Association territory that could not under present rates penetrate by rail beyond the 72 cent district just west of Chicago.
The existing freight rate on Douglas fir from Seattle rises abruptly-irom 72 cents per hundred pounds, or about $18.00 a thousand feet, to 82rf cents in the western part of Southern Michigan and in the western part of Indiana. This increase amounts to about $2.50 per thousand. Atty reduction in the rates into this territory, one of the most densely populated in the United States, will break down part of the barrier or wall that is now keeping West Coast woods from wide distribution in this section.
The first hearing in this Central Freight Association case was held before Examiner O. L. Mohundro of the Interstate Commerce Commission in the Olympia Hotel, Seattle, Iune 10 to 14.