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the requlor morkrttP"
-huilding the kind of confidence that is willing to pay for quality
Mr. C. W. Dudenhoefrer-of the Johnson Lumber Company, Erieo Pa.-has been operating under the 4'SqulRE Plan for six months now. He was orre of the first dealers in Pennsylvat'ia to se€ theopportunity 4-SQUARE ofrered to the forward-looking lumber dealer. Here ie what he eaYe: 3.fsitdifrcult toget the nonnalyard profit forrl-SQumn? ItseaqrwhLen you go about it right. In the first place, I Btock ILSQUARE tho way it io.r-r"" to be stocked-carefully tined up in clean, covered bins. I handle it carefully. Ttren I get my cuetomers to corne out in the yard where they cansooit.ttaugrraranteedquality-nationallyadvertisedqudity-I lrointorrtth"sp"cbaao,d'gra&mar-koneachlabel'Theappoarancoofthe t-b"t "peat" flr itself. Vhen it oomes to prico thore'a seldotn any quoation"'
R. DtlDF,llHoEFrrER is one of the rnany retail lumbermen who for the Past six months have been demonstrating that 4-SQUARE ofrers a unique oPPortunitY for the dealer who is awake to modern rnerchandising, who is determined to build a business on the soundbasis of qualitY and service, and who k-ows how to treat ffne lumber with the resPect it deserves.
To a few such dealers in each locality Weyerhaeuser is ofrering the A-SQUARE Franchise as fast as increased mill caPacitY Permits. We suggest that You address our nearest branch office or inquire of our district representative forthe full details of the 4-SQUAREPI"q.
VEYEBIIAEUSER SALES COMPANY, Dfu,tributots o/ weyerhaeuser Forest hoducts (Eeneral Offices: SPOKAI\E VASIIINGTON '