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State Asso ciation Notes
H. A. Lake, president of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association, reports the following new members to the State Association who have been signed up since the list of 110 was published in our issue of July l.
San Jose Lumber Co. San Jose Smith Lumber Co. .. .. Oakland
McElroy-Cheim Lumber Co. San Jose McElroy-Cheim Lumber
The San .|ose Lumbermen's Club was recently organized by the San Jose retail lumber dealers. Ed. S. I-arson, formerly of Berkeley, California, has been appointed secretary and took over his new duties*on*August 12.
The State Association has been invited to appoint a committee to meet with the Mason Supply Dealers of Los Angeles. The State Association is appointing a Building Material Supply Committee, u'ith A. J. Stoner as chairman, to cooperate with the Mason Supply Dealers.
The Board of Directors of the State Association will meet at the Palace }Iotel, San Francisco, on August 16. The chief tooic of discussion will be the Annual Convention in November.
San Leandro Mill& Lumber Co.
Zenith Mill& Lumber Co.
Santa Clara Lumber Co.
M. L. Doane Lumber Co.
Glenwood Lumber Co.
R. S. Jensen of the Pacific National Lumber Company, Los Angeles, has recently returned from a two weeksf vacation. Mr. Jensen made an automobile trip up through the Redwood country and also visited the variotts mills in that district.
Bert S. Beless, sales manager of E. J. Stanton & Son, Los Angeles, has recently returned from a two weeks' business tripto the Northwest.