1 minute read
Kenneth Smith Pictures Conditions and Makes Pertinent Suggestions to Northern Mills
(Continued from Paee 28) good many of the problems that we have in this business seem to me to arise out of this erroneous point of view on the part of the manufacturer that when the lumber leaves his dock it is sold. I am confident that if you can induce a large and representative group of manufacturers to pay a visit to their greatest market and learn at first hand the problems that are involved in getting their products into the hands of the consuming public, it will result in a much better working understanding between themselves and the retailers who are technically their customers but actually their salesmen. It seems to me that nothing except good could come out of such a meeting and that you would be justified in throwing the full weight of your influence to accomplishing it.
I trust most sincerely that the West Coast may decide to cultivate the wonderful opportunity it has in Southern California in the manner that its importance to the manufacturers of the Northwest warrants' cordially yours, Kenneth Smith.
Ab.'oeo Luob.t & ShhfL CG, Aberdeca, Wagh.
Anrror Ml[ Co- 'Abcrdea, Wash, i
Hoqufrn Lmbcr & ShhSb Co, Hoquram. rr a.n hyDod l.mbcr Co. Raymond, "taatr
Pnorncr MIU Go, Prosper, Ore.
6lubh Bq & Lrnhc Co, Soutb Bcnd, Wash
Hulbrt Mfi Co' Abcrdccn,,Waeh.
L.dr MllL & Tlnbcr Co.' Sdth Bend, Wash.
J. A lrvL Shhsb Co' Soutb Bend' Wash.
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