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AIore corrue s the first Pncum atic -tircd C arricr ..-ond it's o WILLAMETTE
4-Wheel Hydraulic Brakes
4-Wheel Steering
Lumber mills, retail yards, terrninals, contractors and operators eve4rwhere intgested in economical transportation have wanted a pneumatic-tired utility carrier. This demand is now met with our additional line of Pneumatic-tired Willamette Carriers.
Willamette now ofiers, with other e:rclusive features: Pneumatic Tires_Four-Wheel Steering_Six Brakee (4 Hydraulic Wheel Brakes in addition to 2 Mechanicat Driveshaft Brahes)-S*it gilrg Load-Grap- plils Fnmer-the fastert and moit rimple Loid Lifting and Supporting Mechanism ever devised'Road epeedr tAe rarne in reveree as forward-Full Automotive Equipment.
Tire^ width ir ample to cornply with traftc laws, al- lowing nnximrun load capacitg No rtrouble to chenge tirer ar LOAD LIFTERS ARE USED AS JACKS. Special rpindle arrangement ma.kes tire changing easy, and gives lea.rt over-all width for large payload.
Ask for complete details, rpecifications, and prices.
WILLAMETTE CARRIERS are now built in eight slandald s-izer, equipped with eolid or pneuma-tic tirer; alro furnished with special dimensions to meet your individual requirementr.
Hydraulic Wheel BraLes can be added to colid-tire equipped machines upon requeat.
Selling Agentr: