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Uhen the Coryftnq*t ion eo*s/
Every great confagration demonstrates the vital importance of financial reserve strengtrh-sufficient to meet the extraordinary loeses involved. Recognizing this fact, we have consistently built up a "rrrpl.ts which belongs to our policy'holders but which ie held in trust as alsurance of full payment of loesee even in the emergency of conflagration' It is aleo their greatest protection against the pos' sibility of assessmell-1[ts11 greatest guarantee of dividend return.
Thug this surplus is a very vital feature both in the quality of protection our policies provide and in the net coEt et which it is supplied. In buying Lumber Mutual ineurance, you know you are get' ting the highest degree of ineurance protection, developed by lumbermen to meet the lumber in' dustry's needs, and, with our dividends, you know that the net cogt willbe 40/o lese than the premium originally paid.
Write ang of our companies f or further informo' lion as to uhat our policies uould mean lo gou in qualitg of protection anil in cost of insurance'