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Incorponted under the laws of Califcnia

J. C. Dionne, Prec. and Treas.; Pbil B. Hart, Vice-Pres.; J. E. Mutin, Secy. Publiched the l3t and lSth of each nonth at 3lE-19-20 CENTRAL BUILDING, LOS ANCELES, CAL., TELEPHONE, VAndike 4565 Enteted ae Scond-cLass matter Septmber 25, lW, at the Portoffice at Lor Angelec, California, under Act of March 3' 1E79.

Subacription Pricc, $2lD per Year Single Copicr, 25 centr each.


How Lumber Looks

Fir Market Strengthenr

The Fir market shows decided improvement.

Everyone interested agrees to that, from the mort opti' mirtic rnill in the North, to the most pesrimistic buyer in Southern California"

The demand is better all over California. Water ship' ments are showing greater improvement than rail, but rail buriners is likewise very much healthier than two wee,lc ago.

The price of Fir in California has advanced fully a dollar a thousand, and the improvement really amounta to more than that, because the demand is much stronger at the present price than it was when the price was a dollar lower.

There is a much improved feeling in the trade generally. There EeemE to be a generd conviction that the fall is going to bring a continually increasing demand, and that we will have a good fall buriness.

The fact that Fir ir bringing more money in Eastern and SoutAern territory than it is in California, and tbat the general Fu demand is improving in general territory, justifies the belief that the market will continue on the up-grade.

The export lumber business from the Coast is in splendid condition, ac is evidenced by the figures. In July the Pacific Coast rtatee exported 168 million feet of lurnber, ar compared with 97 million in July last year, and in June' 1926, the export total reached 238 million, which is a record on th:s coast. Japan is our big export customer. She took 101 million feet in July, 1926. Shipments by water to the Atlantic Coast for July totalled 142 million feet. California took 184 rnillion in Julv. Cdifornia shipped over three million feet of Redwood by water in July.

The Redwood rituation is no better than it wa! a month ago, and no worEe. The market ir irut hotdins itr own, with a demand lower than the mills would like' and a price holding iust about leveL

There are no pyrotechnics in the White and Sugar Pine market, either. The demand rofar thir rummer has not been as good as had been anticipated, and pricer are jwt hotding trheir own on all classe! of lumber.

Receipta into Southern California portr, for the month of August will register right clore to one hundred and twenty million feet, from indications on the morning of thc 30th.

This is less t{ran for several months past, and with the docks as well cleaned up ar they are, there ir not the rvailable lurnber for the buyer that there har been.

And with that lersened -volume of imports, Los Angpleq is having a grand building montrh, with the permitr promiring to crowd ten million dollarr, for August. On Saturday, the 28th, the building office clored with a total of $8,681r 838, with two days to go.

The latert weekly report from t'he West Coart Lunberrxten'! Association, for the first time in months, rhowr new businer below the cut, for the week ending Augurt 2lrt. Tlieir total orderr amorurted to 102 million and production topped that figure by ten million, or a total of ll2 million. For the year, to date, the reporting Fir millr have eold onc hundred and fifty million feet rnofe than they have produced.

The Souttern Pine barometer shows a week'r cut of 67 million with sales of 70 million. Redwood figures just balance, for the week, in raler and production.


A type 'bust' in the August lSth issue made the West Oregon Lumber Company, of Linnton Oregon, cut 30,000 feet of lumber in an eight hour shift, whereas they actually cut 30,000 feet PER HOUR.


Those desiring display exhibits at the ANNUAL CONVENTION of the CALIFORNIA RETAIL LUMBERMEN,S ASSOCIATION, to be held at the HOTEL SENATOR, SACRAMENTO, OCTOBER 22nd, and 23rd, 1926, will please communicate with the ASSOCIATION HEADQU^A,RTERS, ll2-Market Street, San Francisco, for information as to sizes-, loca. tions, etc., of exhibit space. THE FIRST RESERVATIONS WILL RECEIVE THE CHOICE LOCATIONS


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