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Interior Finbh


Redio C,abinetr

Motor Boatr

For Store Fixturer Street Carr Bank Fixturer

A,utomobilen and many other ptrporer findlay lllillar Timber Co.

Kolambugan Lbr. & Dev. Co.

Millr et Kolanbugen and Manila, Philippinc trtendr

Seler OFce: 910 Ccntral Bldg., Lor Angclcr

W. G. Scrin, U. S. Rcpreecntativc

"Standard e cerlord or r rticLl

-qrcod lumbrr quicL?


6th aad Brennen Str., San Frrncbco

WHOLESALERII witL complctc rtochr oa hud in ell gndcr, both orrliarr1l rad uluruil rizcr:






' REDWOOD (workcd.)



Our Specialties

Vertical Grain Flooring

Vertical or Mixcd Grain Finieh

Vertical Grain Stcpping

Thick V. G. Clear K. D. Factory Stock

Vertical Grain Shop

AII made trom the tinest of

OLD GROWTH DOUGLAS FIR of soft texture, dried in strictly modern dry kilns l{ills: Raymond, Washington

Sales Office: Gagco Bldg., Portland, Ore.

"Hardwoods and Softwoods'n

Frotn, a reccnt bulletin in the Architects Seri.es, fronr, the Millwork Institute of California.

'l'he physical properties of wood which determine its usefulness, r'ary with the species, the rate and place of grorvth, the se.asoning condition and even with the individual trees. Therefore the figures in the accompanying table can be accepted only as averages.

The commercial terms, "hardwood" and "softwood" do not necessarily correspond to.physical hardness or softness.

As ordinarily used, the term "softwood" is applied to all trees of the coniferous iamily or needle leaved, wh:ch includes the pines, firs, spruces, hemlocks, cypress, larch, redrvood, cedars, etc.

The term "hardwood" is commonly used for all broad leaved varieties, represented by the oaks, maples, hickories, elms, ashes, bassrvood, beech, birches, walnuts, etc.

The slightest experience rvith wood shows that these terms give little indication of the physical properties of the species to which they refer, as basswood, poplar, aspen, and cottonwood, which are classified as hardwoods, are in reality among the softest woods, while "longleaf pine" is about as hard as the average hardwood, although termed a softwood.

The comparative properties of the various species of rvood as indicated in the table on page 2, are based upon tests of green timber, which give results much different from tests on dry timber.

Water occurs in rvood in two forms; that which fills the spaces between the cells in green wood, and that rvhich saturates the rvalls of the cells. Often half the weight of green wrood consists of water. The amount of water required to saturate the walls of the cells is lrom 25 per cent to 30 per cent of the weight of the rvood when absolutely d.y. That is called the"fiber saturation point." The amount of lvater in wood above this point has no effect upon the strength of the wood, but of course makes it heavier.

When wood is dried below the fiber saturation point, its mechanical properties change rapidly, and the extent to which they change depends upon the degree to r.vhich the water is removed from the cell walls. Seasoned u'ood is stronger, stiffer, and harder than green rvood, but orving to thC different means employed in drying, and the variations in moisture content, a more accurate schedule of comparison is obtained from tests of green lumber.

\ry'. R. Reid Visits Coast

I{r. W. R. Reid, Manager of the Memphis Hardwood Flooring Company, Memphis, is making an extended visit on the Facific Coast, and at present is located in Los Angeles.

- Mr. Reid makes his annual pilgrimage to California, says he eanlt stay away, and is delighted this trip with the prospects offered by the state for fall business.

- The Memphis Hardwood Flooring Company is an immense marnrfacturing institution, one of the oldest of the Soqthern Hardwood mills, and they manufacture the famous "Chickasaw Brand" Oak Flooring. Lots of it.

George C. Cornitius, San Francisco, represents them in the Bay District; Samuel P. Norton is their agent in Portland, and in a few days Mr. Reid will announce a new connection in Southern California.

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