1 minute read
I 'tto(t . IDGTEEN Doors% Windour Screens
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The Hipolito Company, manufacturers of Hipolito Screen Doors, guarantee all Hipolito Doors to be thoroughly satisfactory to thi cons11r1s1-1he ultimate user.
There are no strings to this. If the purchaser of each_ Hipolito Screen Door is nol entirely satisfied with the door he gets, it will be cheeifylly replaced by the dealer from whom purchased, who will in turn be reimbursed by the Hipolito Company.
Sp€cial Features of the Hipotito Doors
All Hipolito Screen Doors are made of selected California Sugar Pine famed for its nonshrinking, non-warping qualities. They are accurate-ly fitted, carefully milled, made by standard methods that assure the highest qual- ity-the best workmanship. ,