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The Muehlebach and Baltimore hotels have finished their completed plans of caring for the Concatenated Order of Hoo-Hoos in Kansas City this September. Every delegate and guest is assured of not only a complete hotel service but a sincere wish upon the part of the two hotels to make this coming annual meeting the most delightful ever enjoyed.
Your Headquarters-
Hotel Muehlebach
With a ranking as one of the great hotels of the Middle-West, the Muehlebach is well equipped as an ideal headquarters for the Hoo-Hoos. It boasts of a service to meet the most exacting demands. It has three dining rooms in daily operation and in addition offers a colorful amusement program in both the Cafe Trianon andthe Plantation Grill. There is dancing three times daily in the grill to the music of noted recording orchestras. And thehotel's location is right in theheart of the business and theatrical districts.
Hotel Baltimore
The Baltimore, diagonally across the street from the Muehlebach, is one of the country's best known hostelries. A hotel which never has been perrnitted to grow oldin its furnishings and equipment, it has enjoyed such a position in the business and social life of the Kansas City territory that its colorful traditions, its thousands of friends always have made it their first choice for hotel accommodations. lloltl