4 minute read
The Great Fire at Bay Point
One of the worst lumber fires in California mill history was that which destroyed a great part of the yard of the Coos Bay Lumber Company at Bay Point, California, on July 16th last.
The accompanying picture gives a fine idea of the intensity of the conflagration, showing as it does the condition of the huge traveling steel crane that was in the center of the fire, and was totally destroyed, together with six million feet of lumber. The crane and all of its foundations were a total wreck -Thi. crane had a sweep of 140 feet overall, and traveled
General Sales Office
Red Cedar Shingles
Muufectured By
3cbdcr Brc. Shln3lo Co.
Nrtlonal Lunbcr & Mfg. .Co.
Joo CrcL ghrn3lc Co.
Rlplcy Cadrr Co.
Ultlm Sbln3lc Co.
Montcruo, lVuL fl6q-trm, Wub Alohr, WuL. Abcrdoca, Wuh. Abrrdrcn, Wuh.
We are in position to furnish your requirements in all kinds of Shingles, either Grccn or Kiln Dricd, for all rail or watcr shipment, and in order to better serve you have opencd a general sales office in the Finch Building, Aberdeen, Washington.
We manufacture:
6/2 Extra 1A*'s
5/2 Extra rAi's Extra Clcars
Premium Clears
XXXXX Perfect Clears
Eurekas Perfections Royals and all corresponding second grades
Suitc Zl, Finch Building Aberdcen, Warh.
Reprcecntcd by w. w. wILKtNsoN l2l,l lar. E:changc Bldg. Lor over a line 2300 feet long, handling most of the lumber, lath and shingles that are stocked at this point. The aver-. age stock of lumber kept here by the company is 35 to 4O million feet.
The new crane is being rapidly rebuilt, and will be in operation within 90 days. It is being built on a new piling foundation, and will be equal in size and capacity, and more thorough in its foundation construction, than the destroyed crane.
Bay Point "is the assembling, drying, dressing and distributing plant and yard for the huge sawmill plant of the Coos Bay Lumber Company at Marshfield, Oregon.
Color that will not rhow Dirt
The Mark of Recognizeil by the lVafions of the Woild!
The Briton, The Latin, The Belgicr, The Dane, TheTeuton, TheFrank, The Boer, The Australian, The Dutch, The Latin-.American, The Egyptian, The Syrian BEC^A,USE

"Line Yard Manager Has Right Idea"
Stonley l,I/. Root
The followi,ttg obseruations are by Mr. Guy F. Campbell of Fresno, sales representati,zte in the San loaquin Valley for the Paraffine Cornpanies Inc., San Franc'isco.
"Wasco, California, trventy-eight miles north of Bakersfield, isa fast growing community where the King boys have a lumber yard with a real live wire local manager.
"Mr. Stanley W. Root, local manager, is the gentleman in question, who believes in changing the old school of lumber yards into the more modern 'Building Material Stores'.

"Ifave you ever seen an actual cross section of a log in or near a retail lumber yard ? No, you haven't. WellMr. Root has on each side of'the entrance to his office store a four-foot section of Sugar Pine. One log is highly polished and diagrammed, to represent the paths the saw will take in cutting these logs for lumber, thereby giving a vivid description of the merchandise he sells. The other log remains in its natural state. The interior of the office store is decorated with natural forest products.
"The paint stock is nicely shelved and nails well binned. In the center of the room is a long table for displaying various building products. Mr. Root believes that his interior scheme depicting lumber production, together with the outdoor logs will remind the persons entering his place of business that the board he nails on his home is a Godgiven article rather than a manufactured product.
'"To the average human, logging and forestry contains an element of romance. Root has put that Romance into his business."
Early returns of a questionnaire sent toall members of the Order indicate a record-breaking attendance at the Thirty-fifth Hoo-Hoo Annual in Kansas City, September n. D and 30.
Coincident with the announcement thata reduced railroad rate of fare and one-half had been granted for the HooHoo attending the meeting, a questionnaire was sent to all members of the Order which they might use in obtaining complete information concerning transportation from their individual homes.
The returns have been coming in steadily every dayvery largely from'districts which have not been well represented at previous Annuals. Very few of the distant cities which have assured goodly delegations have as yet sent in their inquiries.
Fred Golding Moves Offices
Fred E. Golding, Los Angeles wholesaler, has picked up and moved his offices.
August 14th was moving day, and about twenty of the other wholesale boys dropped in on Fred and helped him. After that they held an informal reception.
Fred is now at 628 Central Building, same phone numbers.
California Prosperity Note
There will be 100,000 carloads of California wine and table grapes available for shipment this season, about 10,000 cars in excess of last summer's crop.
Kenneth Smith Back in California, With E K. Wood
Kenneth Smith, the big, hearty, good looking boy with the booming laugh, so well known in California through his long association with the Long-Bell Lumber Company, has come back to the Golden State, and is now associated with the E. K. Wood Lumber Company, in Los Angeles, as Sales Manager for the Southern California division.

Mr. Smith has had a long and interesting lumbeq career, dating back to 1911, when he started as a stenographer with the Carter Lumber Company, at Houston. He went {rith Long-Bell a year later, in Beaumont, was transferred to New Orleans as manager a few years later and, in 1923 opened the San Francisco offices for the Long-Bell Company, remaining there until 1925, when he went to Philadelphia to take charge of their offices there.
On the first of August he assumed his new duties with the E. K. Wood organization.
Bill Morrison In Los Angeles
Mr. W. H. (Bill) Morrison, brother of L. B. Morrison, has been transferred to the Los Angeles offices of the C. D. Johnson Lumber Company, in the sales division.
Fruit Growers Supply Company
Manufacturcn of Galifomia Whitc end Sugar Pinc Lumber
Milb at Surenvillc rnd Hilt, Clt
1d0,(X)Or(XtO Fcct Annu.l Cepacily
B. W..ADAM$ Mgr. Sala Dcpt.
Firct National Bank' Bldg. - San Franeirco