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This column of "wants" "[f :ffill"ffilts" is for: The Fellow Who Wants to Buy The Fellow Who WantC to Sell The Fellow Who Wants to Hire
White Pine Box Factory For Sale
We have a first class efficient box factory of 60,000 daily capacity, located in Northern California, which we offer for sale. Good supply of raw material in immediate vicinity. Will give full particulars upon request. Address Box A:I27, care California Lumber Merchant. Z-14-tf.
Connection with lumber firm by young man rvho has excellent record; last employer twelve years managing large yard; best references, including employer; come at once. Address Box 4-190, care California Lumber Merchant. 9-1-1
Wanted-Position as Yard Foreman. Now in full charge of retail yard in Los Angeles. Changes being made in organization leave me open for position. Know both stock and detail finish and can furnish excellent references. Address Box 4-191, care California Lumber Merchant. 9-1-1
Position Wanted
Experienced White and Sugar Pine salesman, with several years' experience in domestic and foreign hardwoods, will be considering a change on Septernber l5th. Well acguainted rvith the wholesale, .industrial and retail trade, Southern California. Former inspector California White & Sugar Pine Association and acquainted with mills and supply pertaining thereto. A phone call can put you in touch with references. Address Box A-181, care Cafifornia Lumber Merchant.
For Sale
. 200 heivy'S ft. lumber jacks, used for assembling loads-good condition-92.00 each.
Sun Lumber Company, Beverly Hills.
Yard manager for retail yard in Los Angeles. Must be capable of taking entire charge and excdptionally good sals56sn, who can buil_d up and hold business agiinst strongest competition. trn first letter state full partiJulars, salary asked and references. Address Box A-166, care California Lumber Merchant. 6-l-tf
A first-class, practical and thoroughly experienced millwork estimator for a large Oakland mill. Must have had practical. manufacturing experience and be thoroughly competent. A good steady job for the right man. Address box 4-187, care.California T umber Merchant. 9-1-1
Position Wanted
Experienced estimator and salesman, employed by one of the largest retail yards in Southern Cali{ornia, desires to connect with some firm that can offer aclvancement. Address Box 4'-188. care California Lumber Merchant. 9-2-1.
Bookkeeper and estimator, sash, door, mill, lumber and construction experience, rvants position with grolving firm. Will invest if connection proves satisfactory. A-1 references. W.H. R., 1565 B St., San Bernardino, Calif.
President Coolidge Likes Wooden Bridges
Washington.-On Saturday, August 7, President Coolidge was at the old farm home at Plymouth, Vermont. Several of the newspaper correspondents who were with him observed for the first time the covered wooden bridges which are so characteristic of some of the northeastern states, and they asked the President various questions about them.,.In this connection, J. Russell Young, correspondent of the Washington Evening Star, writes as follows about the bridges which the President believes lasted longer than iron ones:
"Covered wooden bridges over rivers and streams are familiar sights in this section of the country. These were strange sights to several of the correspondents in the. Fresident's party, and at yesterday's conference among the, various qqestions propounded was one asking why these brid$bs are covered. The opinion advanced by the President was that the bridges of the earlier period were covered' for purely economic reasons, to keep out the weather, asone would cover a house. The President appeared to en-' joy answering this question. He remembered one on the outskirts of Springfield, Mass., which had stood for 100 years and which the wreckers found it very difficult'to tear. down. There was one also across the river at the Fresident's home town, Northampton, Mass,, which he recalled was blown away when a man and a horse and carriage were on it some years ago. Generally speaking, the President pointed out, the wooden bridges had a longer lease of life than the old-time iron bridge. The wooden bridge, according to him, also was more apt to give a warning of weakness than the iron bridge." :