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How a Great Southern Cotton Firm is Helping Develop California Cotton

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: Every lumberman in Califorgia is lntere,stCd in tllg development of California prosperit'y, .6 naturaliy he ls inlerested in the development fo a new crop that promises to 4dd much to California prosperity, namely cotton.

Most lumbermen know that the early efforts of the past few years at raising cotton in California, have rnet with remarkable success. -They have secured.a yield per acre far in excess of that secured by any of the old cotton producing sections of the South, and it is an unusually high quality pott6n, that brings a splendid'priLe.

That California can raise cotton with great success, is a fact that does not even seem to permit of the slightest doubt. 'I3ut it takes money to pioneer cotton raising. Over in the

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