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87 tcck Diorllac

Age not guaranteed-Some.I have told for 2O yeart-,Some less.

As a Man Thinketh

Things and conditions are largely the reflection of our mental viewpoints. An old story illustratcs thc polnt

A man who had just moved intoa small Pennsylvania town, fell into conversation with an old Quakcr who was accustomed to sit on a bench in ttre quict squafe in tte center of the village

"What kind of peoplc live here?" asked the newcomer.

"What manner of people didst thee live amongst before?" returned the Quaker.

"Oh, they were mean, natrow, suspicious, and veql unfair", answered the man.

"Then", said the Quaker, "f am sorry, but thee will find the same kind of people hetre".

Not long afterwards the old Quaker was accosted by another man who.had co'rne to live in the twn-

"IVhat sort of people are they here?" asked the stranger.



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Adogurtr rtorrjo rtool rt Ser Pr&o

"What manner of people did'st thee live amongst before?" replied the Quaker.

A warm smile spread over the newcomer's face.

"Friend", he answered, "they were the best folks in the world. They were always friendly, kind and loveable, and I hated to leave them".

The old Quaker beamed.

"'Welcome, neighbor," he said, "be of good cheer, for thee will find the same fine people here".

Maple Flooring Manufacturer Looking At California

Mr. Walter C. Abendroth. Treasurer of the well known Robbins Flooring Company, Rhinelander, 'Wisconsin, is visiting Southern California, making his home at Pasadena during his stay.

Mr. Abendroth's company manufactures Maple and Birch Flooring under the name "Robbins Brand" and they enjoy a good volume of business from California.

Otto Frese Opens Lumber Office

Otto Frese, well knolvn San Francisco lumberman, has <rpened an office at 268 Hansford Building, San Francisco, where he will deal in wholesale lumber and building materials. He has been connected with the lumber business in the Bay District for many years and has a large acquaintanceship with the lumber fraternity in the state. IJntil recently, he wds connected rvith the sdles department of the Andrew L. Mahonev Lumber Co.


Horvard Gunton, the well known San Francisco wholesaler and a member of Gritzmacher & Gunton, was a recent Northlvest visitor rvhere he spent a week visiting the mills. He was also a visitor at the A. F. Coats Lumber Co. plant at Tillamook, Oregon, rvhich concern they represent rn Northern California.


Washington.-Farmers are better lumber buyers and buy better lumber than ultimate consumers in the cities, it has been ascertained by a survey made by the National Lumber Manufactuiers' Association in response tb a suggestion made by V. F. Hayden, executive secretary of the Agricultural Publishers' Association.

Lumber, it appears, is not just lumber to the farmer buybr, but is so many boards. He buys in person and picks ou.t his lumber fromthe retailer's stock. Conseqgently, lumber dealers whose patronage is largely among farmers generally carry the cream of No. 1 and No. 2 lumber, whereas operative builders rvho make up the major part of city buying eagerly seek the inferior material in those gr4des.


Southern-HARDWOODS-Southern Oak Flooring and M"pl" FXooring

1109 Firrt National Bank Buitding

Telephonc DoWlar 9ll7


H. W. Sinnock, manager of the Redwood Sales Co., San Francisco, has returned from a two months' trip in the east, calling on the trade. His trip included a complete survey of conditions throughout the entire east, going east as far as the New England markets on the Atlantic Coast, and on his return trip covering the Louisiana, Texas and Oklahoma territory. He states that the dealers throughout the east are looking forward for a good fall demand with much optimism.

Andrew Donovan Looks Over Bay District Market

Andrew Donovan, the well known Los Angeles lumberman, and associated with Fletcher & Frambes, was a recent San Francisco visitor, where he spent several days lqoking over the lumber market and calling on his many lumberman friends in the Bay District.


"Hi" Henry, popular young lumberman and connected with the Booth-Kelly Lumber Co., will be back on his old territory in the Sacramento Valley about the fifteenth of the month calling on the lumber trade after spending the past several weeks near Eureka with his folks. C. T. Baird, who was covering the territory during his absence, will represent the company in the San Joaquin Valley.


The Magalia Optimo Lumber Company's mill and logging operations near Chico were wiped out by fire on August 9 with a loss estimated at $100,000. The fire swept through a heavy stand of timber towithin a half mile of the town of Magalia before it was put under control by a large force of fire fighters.

Lumber Ship Sinks At Dock

The steam schooner "Daisy" suddenlv sank at her dock in the China Basin channel, San Francisco, early MondaJ: morning, August 9, and rested on the mud bottom with only her deckload and superstructure above water. The "Daisy" has operated along the Pacific Coast for eighteen years without a mishap, and the freakish sinking presented a mystery to the owners of the steam schooner. She carried a deckload of 780,000 feet of lumber. It is estimated that it will cost approximately $20,000 to raise and repair the vessel.

New Kilns

The Pacific Veneer Company, Marshfield, Oregon, are now building two veneer dryers of Moore's Internal Fan system. The Pacific Veneer Co. are making a specialty of Port Orford cedar battery separator stock.

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