1 minute read
Galtfornla needs sut plled by llcGorrntck lunber datlyl
Every day McCormick vessels are steaming into C,alifornia ports with lumber cargoes from the heart of America's finest timber stands.
California retailers have direct acce$r to our convenientdistribution yards and can depend upon orrr completechain of service for rapid delivery of dimension orders.
Our ovrn great timber stands, logging camps, logging raihoads, ouf own 6ills, treating plant, docksrwhanzes and fleet of vecsels have been welded into r Gom- plete chain operating to give you an unusual senzice on dependable lumber.
For 24 years the McC,ormick organization has been building up areputation for good lumber. You will find it worth while to avail younself of out facilities.
Our nearest rqreserttdtiye m sales ofice nill gladly qrcte you ot, snaight or mixed cars.