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Here's an Extta Profit You Ought to be Getting
You sell the studding-and by just mentioning the item to the plasterer you can usually also sell the plaster lath that goes over the studding. And those few wonds pay handsome dividends.
Builders and plasterert are soming in increasing numbers to the use of Buttress Plaster [.ath because it is Eo much easier and more economical to apply than wood lath-because it is easier to ppply plaster over it-and a Buttress job has rioni of the grief that's always aseociated with wood lath.
Buttress representatives have catled on most plasterers and proved to tihem that it usually coatr less to ure Buttrecs -Plaster [.ath than anyother form of wall backing.
Hundreds of plasterers have proved this and are now urging their customers to build sound insulate4 fire defiant walts of Buttress.
Somebody in your section ig taking orders for Buttresand it ought to be you. For gales proposition, phone or write the Buttress Manufacturing Company, 6910 So. Alameda St., [.os Angeleo, Calif.
Minneapolis Council Roofing Ordinance
Minneapolis, Aug. 13.-The long drawn-out controversy which has been bitterly fought against the passing of an ordinance in this city, which would prohibit the use of wood shingles, proposed by Fire Chief Ringer and Building Inspector Houghton, was definitely settled in the Council Chambers this morning, when the City Council, sitting at their regular meeting, accepted the recommendations of the Legislative Ordinance and Fire Committees of the City Council who, at a meeting on the 5th of August, rejected the proposed Anti-Shingle Ordinance by a unanimous vote and accepted, in the same manner, the Ordinance submitted by the lumbermen of this city.
The ordinance, which becomes effective September 1st, prohibits the use of wood shingles as well as all roofing material known as Class "C" or of a lower grade within the fire limits, but outside the fire limit permits the use of Class "C" roofing, as well as wood shingles when cut edge grain and five shingles measured at the butts to be not less than two inches, known commergially as 5 to 2, and, then only when laid in such a manner as will give longevity and applied with rust-proof nails which will add materially to the life of the shingle as well as give greater fire protection.
Roy Fobes Moves Offices
The Los Angeles offices of 'sudden & Christenson have been moved from the Bartlett Building to the new Edwards & Wildey Building, Suite 509, same phone numbers.
Roy Fobes, Los Angeles manager, and his trusty gang are comfortably installed in the new home, and are happy over the move.
Panel Manufacturer In Soutiiern California
Mr. Thomas Autzen. President of the Portland Manufacturing Company, has just returned home after a visit in Southern California.
Mr. Autzen's company are large manufacturers of Fir Panels, successfully marketed in Southern California by Howell Baker and his California Panel & Veneer Company gang.
Showing Fir Inthe East
. Douglas fir from the West Coast is on displ4y at the Agricultural and Industrial Fair, Collinsville, Illinois, August 30 to September 4, due to cooperation between the Cahokia Lumbermen's Club and the Field Extension force of the West Coast Lumber Trade Extension Bureau, Seat- tle. The Bureau was asked by the Lumber & Material Dealers' Association of the Cafiokia district of Illinois to supply the fir exhibit as part of the Association's lfome Owning Show.
Joe Shepard, the popular Sacramento retail lumberman, was a recent San Francisco visitor for a few days attending to business matters. On his return to Sacramento. he was accompanied by NIrs. Shepard, their daughter, and Mrs. Shepard's mother, rvho spent the month ot luty in San Francisco.
P. C. McNevin, Pacific Lumber Co., San Francisco, is back at his desk, having returned on August 9 from a business trip in the east, where he lvas making a survey of lumber conditions. He visited the Southwest. Middle West and Atlantic Coast points.