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Bay District Hoo Hoo Picnic

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Nearly 500 were in attendance at the annual Bay District Hoo-Hoo Picnic, which included lumbermen and their families together with their guests, at Kendall Dell on Sunday, Aagust 22. At 12:30 P.M., the gathering sat down to luncheon in a beautiful shady spot adjoining Paramentia Creek, where tables and benches were arranged for the occasion. The Committee furnished coffee. ThI Chas. R. McCormick Lumber Co., furnished the ice cream.

Following the luncheon, the tables and benches were cleared away and the grounds were arranged for the field and athl_e_tic events, which were run under the supervision 9f J.K. Henderson, Fay Bowman and J. H. McElrby. The iqdggr of the field events were J. Wllter Kelley, -Walter Medill and Bill Dunning. The official scorers were J. H. McElroy and J. E. Martin. Fred Roth was the officiil announcer, with Garnet Fraser and Oscar Johnson in charge of the prizes.

With the completion of the field program, the crowd assembled at the ball field to watch the game between the Oakland and San Francisco Hoo-Hoo teams. The teams lined up as- follows: Oakland-Hershfelt cf, Stapleton lb, Muler rf, Maricich 2b, Coates ss, Bacon 3b, Philips lf, Lemon pitcher and Jones catcher. San Francisco-McKinney cf, Cuneo, c, Wilsbn p, Smith ss, Thornton, Zb, C. L. Smith, lf, Chime 3b, Watts lb, and Howard rf. The game furnished all kinds of thrillswith each team having many supporters and rooters. The San Francisco team won out in their last inning, the final score being San Francisco 9, Oakland 8. Henry Wills officiated as umpire and did a nice job of it.

* Dancing then-continued until 7:30 P.M. with the Lynch Jazz Orchestra furnishing the music. The Charleston 'Contest was lyonqy Mis:-llelen Lynch and Ray Thompson. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ellis were the winners of the Waltz. and in the Fox-Trot Contest Miss May Heliker and William leg,al_e_ry9re the winners of the first prize and Miss Winifred [VlcNalley and Ed. Harms were awarded the second prlze.

Miss Barbara Kelly, the young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Walter Kelly, made the draiings-for the Gate-Fri;;;:

The General Arrangements Committee included: G. W. Fraser, Chai.!"r, Oscar Johnson, Fred Roth, J. Walter 5.ll{, Frank Jlowgr, Henry Faull, A. J. Russell, R. F. Mac4rthur, M. L. Euphrat,'Homer Maris, Frank O,Conner, E. A. Chamberlin, Harry Gaetjen, Ted Higgins, A. E.

Shallish, E. P. Ivory, J. A. Stroud, Reg. Smith, George Troth, Harry Carter, W. S. Russell, Merrill Robinson, Walter Medill, W.H. Woods, John McCabe, Clyde Speer, C. D. LeMaster, 'Walter Baker, Jo. Shepard, J. P. Brewer, Frank Minard, L. L. Walker, C. G. Bird, Lester Elliott, Henry Wills, A.L. Hubbard, C. H. Griffen Jr., A. M. Sinclair, Wade Shifflett, Percy Brown, C. T. Kernuham, B. W. Lakin, R. S. Pershing, W. M. Graff, R. Cameron, H. A. Cahalan, Paul Merner, Elmer Ellis, Henry Hess and J. E. Martin.

Oscar Johnson, Chairm,an of Prize Committee: G. W. Fraser, Chairman Arrangernents Com,ynittee: Fred, Roth, Vicegerent Snark and Master Cerem,onies.

Following are the winners of the athletic and field events: Boys' Running Race (under 7 years of age): lst Chester Ames, 2nd Raymond Peal.

Boys' Running Race (9 years and under): lst Jewry Salomon, 2nd R, H. Carter -Jr. Gitls'Running'Race (under 5 years): lst Marjorie Roth,2nd Mary Grace.

Boys' Running Race (9 years): lst Hugh Lemon, 2nd C. Kavelage. Girls' Running Race (9 years): lst Helen Mealey, 2nd Bettie Stapleton.

Boys' Sack Race (10 years) lst Alden Smith, 2nd Bert DeVaney. Girls' Egg Race: lst Benice Heinz.


Boys' 3 Legged Race: lst Bob Grant and Alden Smith, 2nd Bob Neylan and Roland Mealey.

Girls' Needle Race: lst Evelyn Brink, 2n{ Helen Clement, 3rd Margaret Mealey.

Men's Running Race (final heat) lst C. 1,. Smith, 2nd Forrest Wilson, 3rd Carl Watts.

Eddie Tietien and the Two young Tietjens.

Nail Driving Contest (married ladies): lst Mrs. Irene Wilson, 2nd Mrs. H. Riedel, 3rd Mrs. M. J. Mealey, 4th lrfrs. Sara McKenna.

Fit Men's Running Race: lst Hugh Handley, Zr^d, I. E. Brink, 3rd John Burgesson.

Ladies' Nail Driving Contest: lst Mrs. H. Clement, Znd Mrs Bruce Lemon, 3rd Mrs. M. Lean, 4th Mrs. l. Fraser.

Men's Sack Race: lst M. L. Hershfeld, 2nd Robt. Wilson,'3rd Joe Cuneo.

Ladies'Sack Race: lst L. Varley,2nd H. Eikelberger,3rd Irene Wilson.

Golf Player's Race (men): lst M. L. Hershfelt and Bud Muller, 2nd E. E. Philips and Robt. Wilson.

Nail Driving Contest (married ladies): lst Mrs. Henry Wills, 2nd Mrs. J. Fraser.

Nail Driving Contest (r4arried ladies) lst Mrs. F. L. Nash, ?nd Mrs. Walter Kelly.

Men's Sack Race: lst Gus Dieckmann, 2nd Forrest Wilson, 3rd G. Eikelberger.

Treasure Hunt (children under 5 years): lst Virginia Bowman, Znd Leslie McCune, 3rd Bobbie Williams.

Baseball Game-Oakland Hoo-Hoo vs. San Francisco Hoo-Hoo: San Francisco Hoo-Hoo 9, Oakland Hoo-Hoo 8.

Gate Prizes: lst Mrs. Blackman $25.00, 2nd Miss Helen Lynch 50 gal. gasoline book, 3rd Mrs. Sara McKenna, motormeter.

Other Gate Prize winners were: Fred Sieke, J. T. Melvin, E. E. Philipg, F. Goughran, It{rs. D. R. Else, Mrs. E. E. Philips, N. Leam, R. J. Williams, Wm. Garber, Warren Handley, Mrs. Farley, J. B. Taber, Harry Carter, Mrs. J. K. Henderson, Bill Russell Jr., Warren Kavelage, Evelyn Brink, Mrs Eikelberger, and Kahman Walter Smith, Mrs. Cline, Walter Kavelage, Mrs. Cameron, Emma Lattimer, Mrs. George Guillotte, Louis Godard, M. J. O'Connor, Gus Dieckmann and Harry Cahalan.

Waterbury Rope Co.-l tow rope.

National Carbon Co.-6 flash lights.

Paraffine Cos.-order for one 9xl2 Pabco Rug. Baker Hamilton Co.-I. motor meter, 3 safety curling iron, I set radio car phones, I fishing reel.

Dunham Carrigan & Hayden Co.-l fishing rod.

Chas. R. McCormick Co.-supplying ice cream.

Standard Oil Co.-2 S-gal. cans zeroline.

Associated Oil Co.-5 I gal. cans lub. oil.

M. J. B. Coffee Co.-25 % lb. cans coffee.

Why paddle against the strearn ?

QELLING an unkaown brand of rhinglcr ir likc paddling F) a canoe againet r lS-urilc current; you work liLc thc dcuce but you don't gct anywherc. Ycarr of advcrtiring heve rnade Crco-Dipt Stained Shinglee a known valuc with architect, builder or home owner. Thcy rcll caricr and they eatiefy. \l/riic for dealer proporition.

razors, I electric I marcel waver.

National Ice Cream Co., 366 Guerrero St.-order for I quart National Frozen Pudding, 1 dozen National Individual Fruit-Sundaes. Hill Bros Co.-3 cans coffee.

Bert Neylan-l boy's knife.

Creo-Dipt Compuy, Inc. Oliver Strcet, North Tonawanda, N. Y. ln Southem Califonia: Mr. J- C. Skellie, Building Material Exhibit, Metro- politu Bldg- Brcadway at Fifth Street, Los Angeles, Cal. In Northcm Califmia: Mr. Albert F. Helf, Building Matcrial Exhibit, Inc., ?7 O'Far- rel Stret, Su Frucisco, Califonia. -

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