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Nanow Bands


steel that holds its edge, and turned out by ex' pert saw makers, Simonds Band Saws give longer service and crit faster.

Our Service Station in Los livery o n n ew saws .,,.o1# u;l",i: *ffi :t:t riXii,l"';; high speed blanks furnished promptly.

SIMONDS SAW AND KNIFE AGENCY son Lumber rvill make no a woriderful it, write him.

{16 Eart Tbird Strcct - Loe Angeler, Calif.

SIMONDS SAW AND STEEL CO., 22O-An Firrt Strcct - Srn Frencirco, Criif.

(Continued from Page 34)

Company rvould require an entire book. We such eftort here. Mr. Johnson has had made illustrated book on the subject. If you rvant

A few high lights will suffice for this story. The plant is built on piling out over the water at Toledo, where they have sufficient room and.space for anything they may want to do in the way of stocking both logs and lumber. It is in charge of Mr. Dean Johnson, eldest of the three sons of C. D. Johnson. Ernest Johnson is his father's chief executive assistant and is located at the Portland general offices. Robert Johnson is still in school.

Folks, that is SOME sawmill. The ramifications of a mill of such huge production is something that requires a visitor hours of continual looking to discover. It is "lumber, lumber, everywhere", all moving rapidly in an appointed course, yet so much of .it that it almost bewilders you'

There are two great Allis-Chalmers head rigs (in fact, this concern furnished the entire equipmeht) to begin with. The logs I saw on the log ramp and in the various ponds the day I, was in Toledo looked to me like the biggest average assortment of logs I had ever seen. They were all of great size, apparently, the Spruce and Yellolv Fir logs " being rafted separately, and cut separately. They were cut- ttlir#; llittiil;"r, and flitches, and cants, etc.. leave the head rigs there is an army of por'verful machines r.zaiting to go further into the subject o{ manufacturing rvith them. To make it short, there are three separate and clistinct trimmers, four edgers-trvo of them of such size and porver that great slabs, and planks go through through fairly flying,

(Continued on Page 38)

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