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you can often secure many hundreds of additional miles from your tire equipment by using the particular type Goodyears suited to the work your lumber trucks have to do, and by taking advantage of our experienced afterapplication service.
A careful study of your particular hauling conditions is the basis for our recommendations. Then our modern and complete facilities for service will insure you maximum mileage at minimum cost.
Can you use these extra, additional miles? Our representative will be glad to go into details at a time that best suits your convenience.
(Continued from Page 38)
Their Fir lumber is as good as grows. Their Fir timber is all old growth Yellow Fir, soft and fine of texture, and their averige of clears is very high. Their Spruce is world famous.
C. D. Johnson estimates that they have enough timber of their own at Toledo to keep their great plant in oPeration for about forty years, and there is plenty more to. be had in that immediate region. So the great Toledo institution is of future generations as well as the present, and the long life anticipaled well justifies the great investment in manufacturing equipment.
I asked Dean Johnson what was the largest log he has cut so far in that mill, and he shorved me the figures. It was a Fir, 42 feet long, 84 inches at the small end, and scaled 14,424 feet.
The general offices are in the Northrvestern Bank Building in Portland. Here will be found C. D. Joh-nson, Ernest Johnson, L. B. Morrison, the very active and efficient young sales manager; R. S. Trumbull, a director and general auditor, and a small army of office folk.
C. D. Johnson is vice-president of the West Coast Lumbermen's Association, and this year is acting president. He has joined hand in glove with every progressive move that has been made in the Northwest lumber circles since his advent there, and is highly respected and esteemed in the councils of the industry. Just sixty years of age, he is one of the youngest men of his years you will ever find. The hardy work of his younger days gave him strong muscles and a sound body, and today he has the physical and mental virility of a man just reached his prime.
The Pacific Spruce Corporation manufactures the lumber. The C. D. Johnson Lumber Company, a separate corporation, markets it. And BOTH, as the old adage says, ARE C. D. JOHNSON.
Tacoma Machine Firm to Mer$e With Lidgerwood
'l'acoma, Wn., Aug. l8.-Plans for a merger of the Puget Sound Iron & Steel Co. rvith the Lidgerrvood Manufacturing Co. of Nerv York, one of the largest manufacturers of logging machinery in the United States, rvere announced here today by M. H' Dickinson, Pacific Coast manager of the eastern concern. It was said that West Coast headquarters of the Lidgerrvood comPany rvould be established in Tacoma.
Pacific Coast Buses Tohave Wood Bodies
Wood Chosen For Canada to Mexico Through Service Cars Washington, D. C., Aug. 20.-Bodies for the througlr bus line, plann-ed to run from Vancollver to Tia Juana, will be tr:om'75 to 8O per cent wood, aicording to reports-from the Model Body Cbmpany of Detroit. They will hold thirty-two people, and will h^ave- all the accommodations of a Pulhnan lari except sleeping facilities. The new line is planned to take advint"g. io ihe utmost of the scenic possibilities of the Pacific Coast region.
Despite plans recently advertised by one large producer, Detroit re-ports that the trend of automobile design is strongly toward the prevailing composite type, using wood for fiaming and steel for the exterior covering.' The Murray Body Company has recently signed long term- contracts for rvood-and-steei bodies for the Marmon and Hupp companies. The Hayes-Ionia and the Seaman Body companies ire buying heavily of kiln dried l-rardwood, and both the Budd Wheel Compan,v and the Dodge Brothers Company, rvho formerly specialized in the all-steel body, have changed to a composite type and are buying a great deal of lumber.