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Quantity Production of Hieh Ouality Roofing
Large enough to meet every demand of the may[s1-nzsll enough equipped to assure the finest quality-and thoroughly organized to give dealers the best sf ssryissThat sums up the standing of the Los Angeles Paper Mfg. Co. It is a big institution in every sense of the word, ready to extend the strongest co-operation to all dealers who handle El Rey Asphalt Roofings.
The El Rey line includes a wide range of roo6hgs, shingles and roofing materials. Write us for prices and full particulars.
1633 North San Pablo Sreet
Telephone ANgelus 5236
Byron Times Publishes Development Issue
Harry Hammond, publisher of -the Byron-.Times,.!a.s just issued the ByrorrTimes 2lv.elopment Edition, which is their tenth spelial number' This year's edition contains 252 pages, is beautifully illustrated and portrays the potential "r..o.rr.e. of the great Delta and the counties of Contra Costa and San Joiquin. The cost of production is in excess of $13,000. ThL issue was compiled and published under the soie direction of Editor Hammond. It is indeed a beautiful number and will no doubt have a wide circulation throughout the country. Copies of this issue, in strong envelopes ready for mailing, will be on s1!e by news dealers or ."t- be obtjined at the ofifice of the Byron Times. The price is $1 per copy. Among the lumber concerns-having irticles in the Development Issue are the Good Lumber Co., Stockton Lumber Co., Brentwood tr-umber Co., Electric Planing Mill, Redwood Manufacturers Co. and the Tracy Lumber Co.
Parson Simpkin A San Francisco Visitor
After spending a short vacation at his home in Santa Monica, Parson-simpkin was a recent visitor in the Bay District where he spent a few days calling on his- many lumberman friends. He left for a tour of Northern California and Oregon, where he tvill attend IIoo-Hoo activities at McCloud,-Hilt, Klamath Falls and Susanville. While at Susanville, he will be a speaker at the State Convention of the American Legion, where he will make an address to the Convention on liorestrY.
M. A. llarris, Van Arsdale-Harris Lumber Co., San .t'rancisco, returned to his desk after spending a delightful month's vacation at Lake Tahoe where he was guest at the Tahoe Tavern. He was accompanied by Mrs. Harris'