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qua, lity a,rea

Every 4-Squenr Dealer from @ast to coast knows some thing of the power of modern merchandising. He knows the sales-building advantages of 4-Squenr improved, Packaged Finishingltems. And he wants these same advantages working for him in the sale of items which represent an even gfeatef percentage of total sales.

Now oolame items have been improved. With the introduction of 4-Squenr Guide-Line Fneurr.ro modern merchandising gets an even gteatet opportunity to become a working paftnet in lumber retailing.

Framing lumber, the bif gest volume item in the yatd,comes forward into the Quality Ater,where it joins 4-Squenr Packaged Finishing Items and other quality products to atttact, quality buyers and turn price buyers into qtrality buyers.

The time is ripe for this expansion of the 4-Squenr Program- Architects, contfactofs, and financing ot gerizetions are rccognizing the need for assrrance of good, substantial construction to restore the public's faith in home building and bring residential coostnrction up to normal acl;ivity.

Now you, if you are e

4-Squenr Dealer, can step out at the head of this movement, offering yoru cu$omers framing and finishing lumber improved with ptacticil, advantages to assrue greater precision in use and greater cettaiflty of good construction. Now you can rne rclt and i se 6oTo of yoru community's home building lumber requirement s, sell this improved h'mber on its merits for the results 4-Squanr delivers, and rescue the bulk of your lumbervolume from the profitless, price -cutting competition which has been doing its best to ruin the retail lumber business

Are you familiar with all the profit-building advantages of the 4-Squenr Franchise? Ask the V/eyerhaeuser repfesentative or write the nearcst distriA ofrce.

4-SQUARE Guide-Line FRAMING ofrers yorrr customers


Practical Plus Values for Precision Constnrction

1 1 nationallt adaertised retail sales adoartages

I Squared Ends. Ordinary frami.

- lumber is nol squared on the ends, an must be trimmed fu hand oa the iob.

23*^u! Stsndard lpndthr. Ordi- il Callbrsted Bvery Ineh wlah lR BeaaoF Appearance. Never before " have you seen structural lumber that hohs like the 2rccision building material this improved Framinq i"r. Properly surfaced on'four sides afteiseasonidg, it is clean, bright, goodJooking stock. tll ftode-Marked. Every oiece bears u the nationally advertised Wirerhaeuser 4fCuen3 trade-mark for quick ideotificatioo and protection in buying.

- n ry framing lumber is seldom exact standard length. Frequently it is overlength,.requiring hand trimming. Too otten lt $ sc2nt.

- Gulde Ltnes- A revolutionary innovation in lumber are these accurate guides to p,recision.in placing, measuring, cuttmg anc trttrng.

/ Soasorled Sro@E- Ordinarv framinc t lumbet mev or mrv not be sers6ned. Td much of it'is "green"-totally uafit for use ln Sooc constructlon.

|i thgil.f.dlj{ec. The inscant you nanqle a Prece oI 4nquARE rr4mmg you know it is unlike any lumber you ever handled before. No sharp edgi. Easier to handle.

/ Marked lor Specler. The full.spe-. - cles nahe Pfrnteo on every Prece, Posruve protecuon aga[st suDstrtutron.

1p lt|arkod lor Grade-.The.full grade - name Drmted on every prece $ Dosluvc proof. ihe ,quelity specided and iaid for ts dcllvcrcd.

IalSofd OnIy by Authorlzed r- Ail thc spccific precision advantases ddmed for 4-Squeri Guid+Line Framins ere verified by the words "Weyerhaeuser Guerentced"'pinted oo cact ficcc. rlrt\

-" 4-SQUAf,f, l)ederr. The 4.Squenr Fraochise Sign is displaved bv'selected lumber mercf,aots wh6 hive rrbved their reliabiliry,end their knowleige of good lumDet and lts uscs.

| | Gulranaeed byW-eyerh!c[.cr.

All thesc Plus Velucs havc beco qivco to Weycrheeuscr 4-Squelr Guidelinc Frlming at a ioct much lower than originally cstimitcd. The small additionel pice of this Framing is, coose' queotly, only a nbminal increasc ovi oidinary freming lumber of the semc grde and spccier.

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