1 minute read

If customers count we'd like to ta,lk with you

#FItNx in terms of customersI when you think of toofingfor after all the amount of roofing busi' ness you do, will depend upon the amount of satisfaction you deliver to your cus' tomers.

This is an elementary busin'dss fact. For roofing business like cvery other kind, must depend for growth on the delivery of maximum value at minimum costr Par' ticularly in these days.

To produce roofing that will do this, it takes decades of roofing expetience, modern manufacturing facilities, quantity production, ample resources.

These ere altsets possessed by EL REY. These are assets that enable EL REY dealers to secure and develop more pro6table roofing business to successfully meet competition.

EL REY ROOFINGin qualitY, basic materials, line, balance and colorProvides a combination in roofing value for your customer and yourself, that you cantt afrord to ignore, if you are to get your share of the roofing business in your com' munity.

As a matter of good business, dontt you think you ought to get ALL the facts?

Yours for the asking, without the slightest obligation.

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