4 minute read

R. P. Dodds No* With Jnsulite Company

The Insulite Company, through its General Sales Manager, Tom V. Sawyer, announces the appointment, July lst, 1931, of Richard P. Dodds as Manager of Sales Promotion and Advertising.

Mr. Dodds has had many years' experience in this line of work, having spent the last three years in sales promotional work with one of the country's largest quasi-public utilities organizations.

In coming with the Insulite Company, Mr. Dodds brings with him a basic understanding of the problems affecting today's scheme of merchandising and in keeping with the avowed Insulite Company policy.of Retail Lumber Dealer tie.up, said on a recent occasion, "I am a firm believer in systematic dealer cooperation. In our business the Retail Lumber Dealer is the verv back-bone of the Industrv and in working with him faithfully and consistently is iound the true essence of success. To back up his effort with a sound program of hard-hitting, continuous and sensible advertising, using those publications whose pages strike into the very dead center of our insulation potential-to prepare and place at the disposal of the dealgrs and their sales organizations, as many mailing pieces and other direct contact and sales promotion material as is indicated for him to do a successful job of selling, are all integral cogs in the wheels of Insulite sales success".

We extend our best wishes to Mr. Dodds for complete and lasting success in his new work.


v L. A. Ganahl, of the Ganahl Lumber Co., Santa Barbara, recently returned from an automobile trip to Oregon and Washington. Mr. Ganahl, who was accompanied by his wife, made this trip in a Ford car which has now traveled 100,000 miles and which he has driven in every state. Prior to this trip he had visited every state with this car except Oregon and Washington, and left a perfectly good Packard at home in order to complete his record of driving the Ford in all of the states.

Henry Faull On Vacation

Henry Faull, sales manager of the Hammond Lumber Co., San Francisco, accompanied by Mrs. Faull left for a vacation trip to the Pacific Northwest immediately after the meeting of the Redwood Relationship Committee, with the Lumber Committee of the California Retail Lumbermen's Association at Scotia. They will be gone two weeks, and will visit various points in Oregon and Washington, and also Victoria, B. C.

First Log Raft Of Season At San Diego

The first big log raft of the season from the Northwest arrived in San Diego the other day.It belongs to the Benson Lumber Company, who operate a modern sawmill there. The log raft, containing five million feet of Fir logs that average 100 feet in length, was towed down from the Columbia River, and required 21 days for the voyage.

Poviiell Lumber Company

The Powell Lumber Company, of Fontana, is a California corporation filing papers this month. Capital stock is $50,000, the business of the corporation is to deal in building materials, and the owners are S. A. Powell, Margaret Powell, Gilbert H. Laurie, and Eva Laurie. No stock in this corporation can be transferred without the consent of the board of directors.















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The most hopeless hope in the is when hope leads a man to turn away from facts.


She has-

An ermine coat

A foreign car

A Persian rug

A built-in bar

A ten room flat

And I'll tell you sir

She does it all on thirty per

And five years back

Sorne teaching hick

Flunked this gal

In 'rithmetic CONSISTENCY?

Emerson said: "With consistency soul has simply nothing to do. Speak what you today in words as hard as cannon balls. and tomor speak what tomorrow it contradicts every- thinks in hard words again t thing you said today."

Some Anonymous Sa Milling Philosophy

Once upon a time there was a MAN who built a SAWMILL and after he got it going he came to the conclusion that if he would put in live rolls he could increase the capacity of his plant ten per cent.

So he put in live rolls, and th4t necessitated another trimmer saw.

So he put that in and then lt' decided that if he had a bigger edger he would put T(E CANTS through and he could increase the capacity-dnother twenty per cent.

So he bought another. edger and then found that he didn't have enough power-so he bought a bigger engine and it was so big he couldn't keep up steam. time the mill not keep it in

So he bought another boiler and by that was cutting so much lumber that he c logs.

So he bought another skidder and he had so many logs his pond was too small.

So he bought a scraper and ns had set in and washed

But along in the summer the a young lake. went dry so he built a mile and a half of flume another creek into it and by that time the fall the dam out.

And the governor bro and the new engine ran away and the fly wheel bu and cut off a steam pipe and was asleep in the sawdust bin scalded the engineer w but they got everythi fixed up again and the engineer sued him for

TEN THOUSA DOLLARS DAMAGES but he did he had been in the sawmill business not mind that all his life. And thing got to running srnoothly, but by this time he cut out all his timber and he c6uldn't buy any more

So he sold mill to the junk man and got himself a job as whistJe punk in a laundry.

So if a bt of these fellows who build sawmills would put in mote time running them the way they were ofiginally built and less time trying to increase their capacity there wouldn't be so many of them going broke.


A backwoods mountaineer one day found a mirror which a tourist had lost.

"Well, ifit ain't my old dad," he said as he looked at the reflection. "I never knowed he had his picture took."

He took the picture home and stole up in the attic to hide it, but his actions did not escape his wife. That night while he slept she crept up to the attic and f6und the mirror.

"So," said she, "that's the old hag he's been chasin'."

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